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2.7 K

Berry Hunt Cycling / 自転車でベリーハントへ

The other day I posted about my first berry hunting walk of the year. The berries were starting to ripen in city, so I took my bike earl...


2.2 K

Parent and Child / 親子(ENG/JPN)

(ENG) This is my original artwork. "Parent and Child" Mixed media,22x27.3cm,2024 Parent and child A child as tall as his paren...


2.3 K

Haystack- Hay Rolls 干し草の山 干し草ロール [English and Japanese]

"Haystack- Hay Rolls" This is my favourite landscape near my area. In my hometown, I see exactly the same scenery as this. Fa...


3 K

Q&A On My Japanese Language Learning

These are just random thoughts from random questions I received about my Japanese language learning journey. It's still a journey, becaus...


2.2 K

Two Drawings / ドローイング2点(20240706,20240707)(ENG/JPN)

Drawing20240706 Drawing20240707 (ENG) This is my original artwork. "Drawing20240706" Oil Pastel and Watercolor on Paper,21x29...


2.7 K

My all time favorite music genre: Game Music 👾 / ゲームミュージックが好き

@go-kyo shared InLeo monthly prompt in Hive Japanese discord. It might be interesting to write about something a bit different from what ...


2.3 K

Fee Revisions 料金改定 [English and Japanese]

Fee Revisions Phew... Every fee has been rising and changing over the past several years. Our house and car insurance have also increas...


2.7 K

Micro Balcony Garden Journal 2024 - Jul 21 / マイクロバルコニーの記録

It has been over 30 degrees Celsius here in Germany, and since there has been not much rain, I was watering the plants diligently this m...


2.2 K

Electronica / エレクトロニカ(ENG/JPN)

(ENG) This is my original artwork. "Electronica" Mixed media,24.2x33.3cm,2024 Short wavelengths and With intense vibrations an...


2.3 K

Beans and Berries 豆とベリー [English and Japanese]

Beans and Berries Finally, some of the beans in my garden are getting ready. Since I started my garden here, I noticed that the soil is...


2.7 K

Beer Saturday #368 - World Famous Alcohol-free Beer. / 休肝日の救世主、ノンアルコールビール

Hello beer friends. Here is my post to @detlev's weekly Beer Saturday #368 🍺 Thanks a lot for hosting this fun challenge! The #BeerSatur...


1.4 K

A lot happened - My highlight of the week! / いろいろあった週 (English & Japanese)

(日本語は後半にあります) 【English】 A lot happened this week. I get tired when my schedule is full, and this week has been quite eventful and I am ac...


2.7 K

My 9th Year on Hive Starts / Hiveの9年目スタート

Today, eight years ago in Berlin, I started my Hive life. It means my 9th Hive life starts today. I created my account on Steem, Hive's ...


2.2 K

I'm Twisted / 僕はねじれてる(ENG/JPN)

(ENG) This is my original artwork. "I'm Twisted" Mixed media,10.5x14.8cm,2024 I wanted to grow straight. But I got twisted Twi...



[ENG - SPA] 💞 Maquillaje de muñequita al estilo japonesa | Japanese style doll make up 💞

Hello LIKETU friends! Today I bring you a post dedicated to a makeup inspired by kawaii dolls, this is from a game that I wanted to ...


2.3 K

Reinforcing the Roofs of the Sheds and Mudroom 物置と土間の屋根の補強 [English and Japanese]

Reinforcing the Roofs of the Sheds and Mudroom After heavy rains, I was worried about the roofs of the shed and mudroom because they al...



An Experience in Best Ramen Sachi Restaurant in Dumaguete

Last month's quick escape from reality was not yet over. I have mentioned in my previous blog how Negros captured my heart and this blog ...


2.7 K

A day of serendipitous steps / 歩いて用事を済ませる涼しい一日(My Actifit Report Card: July 18 2024)

It's going to be hot again this weekend, but yesterday was a nice breezy day with a high of about 25 degrees. I decided to take advantag...


1.5 K

Unexpected Cafe Job / 突然のカフェ勤務

[日本語は後半にあります] image created with LeonardoAI I unexpectedly ended up working at the café...


1.4 K

A day with no plans, okonomiyaki and beer / 何の予定もない一日、お好み焼きとビール (English & Japanese)

(日本語は後半にあります) 【English】 I slept well during the day today. https://img.inleo.io/DQmWzXmsYqyEFxDZXvc4NXufQMz5BgnCcSCYqWMnTqx6BLZ/beer.jpg ...


2.7 K

Seasonal Taste in Onigiri #3 Simple Salt Onigiri with Black Rice / 黒米塩むすび

My daughter occasionally requests plain salted Onigiri (rice balls). While they are simple and perfect way to enjoy the taste of rice an...


2.2 K

Planting Seeds / 種まき(ENG/JPN)

(ENG) This is my original artwork. "Planting Seeds" Mixed media,14.8x10.5cm,2024 In the school's flower beds I sowed seeds. Bi...


2.3 K

My Garden 2024 2024年の畑 [English and Japanese]

My Garden 2024 I am documenting the progress and observations from my garden this summer. This year has yielded some interesting result...


2.7 K

Beer Saturday #367 - Finch beer after carrying a bed on a BUS! / 汗だくのあとの鳥のラベルのビール

Hello beer friends. Here is my post to @detlev's weekly Beer Saturday #367 🍺 Thanks a lot for hosting this fun challenge! The #BeerSatur...


2.2 K

Two Drawings / ドローイング2点(ENG/JPN)

Drawing20240629-2 Drawing20240703 (ENG) This is my original artwork. "Drawing20240629-2" Oil Pastel and Watercolor on Paper,2...


1.5 K

SpookyPops NFT HIVE SBI Giveaway! #12

[日本語は後半にあります] SpookyPops NFT HIVE SBI Giveaway! #12 How to Enter ● Please reblog this post to spread the word of SpookyPops NFT. ● This ...


1.4 K

First Leo Power Up Day in a long time for me / 久しぶりのLEO POWER UP DAY 🦁

(日本語は後半にあります) 【English】 I will participate in LPUD (LEO POWER UP DAY) for the first time in a while. I joined InLeo (then LeoFinance) las...


2.7 K

Berry hunting walk / 今年初のベリー散歩(My Actifit Report Card: July 15 2024)

Yesterday, after dinner, my daughter and I went berry picking for the first time this year. This has been a yearly tradition since she w...


2.2 K

City at Night / 夜の街(ENG/JPN)

(ENG) This is my original artwork. "City at Night" Mixed media,14x18cm,2024 At a cafe in a skyscraper, Sit by myself. Looking ...


2.3 K

Leasing Vs. Buying a Car or No Car ? 車はリース派VS購入派、それとも車なし派? [English and Japanese]

AI Image Leasing Vs. Buying a Car or No Car? I used to purchase cars, but not anymore in my family. I wish I had convenient public tran...
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