
Yidneth3.1 K

dollarVote Value: 0.10

Singer Songwriter Illustrator. Nature lover.

Vote Value: 0.10
Active: 12 hours ago
Singer Songwriter Illustrator. Nature lover.
Joined: Apr 17, 2019
#Expertise3.1 K
Active:  12 hours ago
Vote value: 0.10

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3.1 K

It's not easy 'bein Green and Jim Henson's Muppetational May: A song about accepting ourselves the way we are.

https://youtube.com/shorts/7SS6ZNnZpFY?si=DFHcz4680OMho0rp This is a very short excerpt of "Bein' Green" also known as "It...


3.1 K

Powers of Nature: A short musical incantation inspired by the healing that happens in Spring. Inspired by Nature and hopes of growth. Inspired by Daffodils.

Powers of Nature (Growth Incantation) - Video Short A very short Healing Chanting Incantation to manifest growth and renewal. Should it b...


3.1 K

22nd of March: International Water Day and my music video and cover Tears for Fears "Rivers of Mercy"

The world is in turmoil as we observe it with a half- broken hearts... will we ever learn? Dare we imagine a deeper understanding? Rivers...


3.1 K

Radoro Daro Sławo: A Slavic Słowiańska Mantra (Agmas) to remove all negative Energy and the power of meditation (Chanting and Music Video)

This is an old Slavic (Słowiańska Polish) mantra and a request from a dear friend from Poland, Kasia, this one is for you. :). Radoro ...


3.1 K

My cover of Kate Bush "Dream of Sheep" merged with "Hello Earth" and the explanation of The Ninth Wave suite. A tale of survival and learning the value of life.

First of all Happy New Year my dear friends of Hive :) I wish you a prosperous and healthy 2024. This is my first post of the year. Drea...


3.1 K

Birthday thoughts. Another spin around the Sun... an Autumn Child, a December Child... always learning from the shifting of the seasons

My dear friends... I've completed another spin around the sun, yesterday it was my birthday. Though I am a December Child I was born in A...


3.1 K

It's been a "Long, Long, Long Time" : Music video, tribute to Tears for Fears and my interpretation of the song in tune with my own healing journey. Moody Autumn Ethereal vibes for your day.

It's been a Long, Long, Long time, right? But there are reasons for that, as I'm on a healing journey and navigating through changes, and...


3.1 K

NOTHING IS DONE UNTIL IT'S DONE: A powerful anthem about Climate Change and a music video that has been several years in the making, filmed in the aftermath of wild fires

THERE IS ONLY ONE EARTH Our planet and the life it contains is a miracle and we have take it for granted. We need to safeguard our only ...


3.1 K

I have been featured in Enchanted Living Magazine (formerly Faerie Magazine) and interview for Hive and some updates of what I'm working on (includes sneak peek)

It's Pris here. I hope you are having a great Summer. :) It's scorching hot right now where I live but we have had a milder Summer than l...
Re-blogged by yidneth



HMVF Artist Interviews - #20 YIDNETH (Priscilla Hernandez)

Hello hivians, hello musiclovers! this is our weekly interview post. We want to sharpen your senses for HIVE musicians, that´s why we ma...