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Index4Index #3 - Aristotle on the habit of excelence

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tokenizedsociety932.15last year2 min read


Transcript for accessibility purposes:

"We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, then, is not an act,
but a habit.

I'm back with yet another quote on the power of habit. After bringing a quote by James Clear, the author of "Atomic Habits", today's choice was something attributed to Aristotle.

I don't know if he really said that because a lot of things that are attributed to ancient philosophers were actually never said by them but in this case it doesn't really matter. It's just a good quote, regardless.

This is yet another quote that speaks about habit and consistency and that is becoming sort of a trend for me. I fully believe in the power of habits but I admit it's been hard to create and stick to good habits lately.

I've been very busy and often find myself putting out fires instead of acting on building habits in pretty much all aspects of my life.

I 'm not really a huge fan of new year resolutions but this year I will try to get back to my old shape because I used to be very disciplined and good at creating habits so I know I have what it takes. I just need to persevere.

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