
George Dee4.5 K

dollarVote value: 0.03

A story writer, nature lover, farmer and a kitchen man who believes in good works to make the world a better place

Vote value: 0.03
Active: 11 minutes ago
A story writer, nature lover, farmer and a kitchen man who believes in good works to make the world a better place
Joined: Jul 16, 2021
#Expertise4.5 K
Active:  11 minutes ago
Vote value: 0.03

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WAIV vote: 0.00

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Upvoting mana: 93.84%
Downvoting mana: 100%
Resource credits: 100%
HIVE vote: 0.03

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4.5 K

Suya-Veggies Macaroni Recipe.

▶️ Watch on 3Speak Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of Hive Learner's Creative Sunday with George Dee. As usual, I bring to yo...


4.5 K

Change; The Key To A Better Tomorrow.

Change is one constant thing about humans, and it's a natural thing for us to always seek growth and improvement. It might be positive or...


4.5 K

To Err Is Human; To Forgive Is Divine.

The thought of suing someone barely crosses my mind, and that's because I find it really hard to hold grudges with people to the extent o...
Re-blogged by george-dee


3.4 K

The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #171

Source: Pixabay Welcome to the Weekly Fiction Prompt Hello community members! Thank you for joining our weekly writing prompt! If you're...


4.5 K

Beyond The Surface...

Segun and I were really good buddies, and our relationship started in a way I never expected. I found him roaming the school premises two...
Re-blogged by george-dee


5.4 K

What Are You Seeing?

I can see clearly now that the rain has gone and stopped I can see every obstacle on my way that I have topped Situation of life tried ...


4.5 K

Yummy Pineapple & Veggies Pancake...

▶️ Watch on 3Speak Welcome to the Foodies Bee Hive community, and I feel so excited to share what I call my kitchen experiment in this a...


4.5 K

Judging A Book By It Cover? Appearance Shouldn't Trump Skill.

I have been to so many job interviews and have gathered experience, including what today's Hive Learner's prompt is all about. The issue ...


4.5 K

The Unchecked Growth Of Population.

There is a popular saying in Nigeria that Omo lere aiye, which means children are the reward of of socie and I believe these sayings have...


4.5 K

A Tale Of Love And Uncertainty.

"Sammy, you can't be serious. Are you out of your mind?" Nancy yelled at her best friend over the phone. "I am just sick a...