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Using an Electronic Tool in a Very Handmade Process

What unique crafts are you taking with you in 2025? For me this is, of course, the art of making zines! and today I wanted to share anoth...


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the Zine Shop hits the Road

▶️ Watch on 3Speak I never wanted to turn into the type of artist who works entirely digitally. The whole reason I got into art was the ...


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A Trade with Midnight Zines

The best part of being an artist is, no doubt, trading with other artists. So when Midnight Zines asked me if I would like to exchange z...


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Travel Supplies

Does an entertained mind lead to happiness? I wanted to put this question to the test and curate the best travel experience possible wit...


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Behind the Scenes 📗✂️ Publishing My Own Underground Magazine

I love the feeling of a project coming together. This zine in particular has been months in the making and finally I am making last chang...


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History Changed

About ten years ago I awoke from the dream of mainstream culture and started down the path upon which I continue to walk. During this tra...


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Witchy Reflections 📜🪄 Reading "Hag Witch" by Cat Moth Crow

On the eve of Halloween I received the most enchanting letter in the mail! An unexpected, but totally holiday appropriate package of zine...


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Sharing my Witchy Stories 📖🌲

Another week, another edition of my witchy publication that I have been calling these posts "Witch Weekly". Here I am just docu...


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Art on the Road ~ Portable Zine Distribution

Traveling is a great way to get my art out into the world. Each journey long or short is always preceded with a zine making session. I wa...


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What is a Zine? 📚 the Art of Homemade Booklets 📖🖌

▶️ Watch on 3Speak The world of publishing is heavily gate-kept to keep mainstream ideas the norm, which in turn makes it very hard for ...


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Mobile Zine Distro ~ How I Distribute my Art on the Road ~ DIY Publications

There is something really sweet about a free, street side library. Don't you think? Personally I appreciate the Little Free Library netwo...


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Symbiosis of Creativity ~ Online Sharing Fuels Physical Art

Most days I spend a few hours taking photos for articles and typing up posts to share on Hive. Sharing nearly instantaneously is very fun...


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Why Paper Art is Important ~ A Review of One of my Favorite Zines

What was the first book that inspired you to become an avid reader or inspired writer? For me, to be honest, it was most likely the Chron...


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In Rebellion of AI Generated Art I Will Continue to Create Handmade Zines!

The possibilities of using Artificial Intelligence for art has been a hot topic as of late. And of course it must be! The advent of AI ma...


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"Ain't We Got Fun???" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

In the mornin', and in the evenin', ain't we got fun??? We got it on SALE! Half off when purchased with an oil change!!! (Quite a deal, b...


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A Year of Magickal Reading ~ my favorite DIY publications of 2023

On rainy mornings or cold nights I love sip my cup of tea, curl up with a cat, and read a witchy book by the light of my salt lamp. And ...


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Cutting, Pasting, and Getting Inspired ~ my process of making a butterfly zine!

Before getting into the details of this little DIY activity, I wanted to answer one common question : What is a zine? A zine is much like...


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Ramshackle Again with Sprinkles by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Sleep is a welcome friend, once a person gets to be old, and I would like to encounter it again some day! Meanwhile, I still keep making ...


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Sending My Words into the World ~ a guide to self publishing zines

Publishing of books and magazines is usually out of reach for us normal folks and require publishing houses and often cooperate sponsors...


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Darkness in the Future by RFY (Holy Fool)

Did you wonder if I was coming back??? (We all wonder!) xxxxxxxxxxxxx 31 Oct. 2023 xxxxxxxxxxxxx "Out of the Shadows" by Richar...


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"The MEEP is in the Pudding" by RFY (Holy Fool)

For your consideration: xxxxxxxxxxxxx 20 Oct. 2023 xxxxxxxxxxxxx I've been working on HALFASS zine #2, and as sad as it sounds, I'm spend...


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How I got my first poetry zine published – and more!

Hivers, poets, and aspiring published authors, the rumors are true! No matter who you are, where you are, or your background, if you writ...



Zine Appreciation

July was International Zine Appreciation month. Although it is officially August now, and I feel obligated to write a little about zines ...


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“Free PDF Zine for Funky Folks!” by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

After visiting the SF Museum of Modern Art AND City Lights bookstore AND-AND this cool comic shop in Ashland, Oregon, that sold zines an...



I Dream in Zines

For many years I have been making booklets, little magazines & other tiny art to share and gift. For almost as many years I have dre...


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"Collaborations (Current and FUTURE!!!)" by Richard F. Yates & Richard O'Brien

HOWDY! HOWDY! HOWDY! Today is Friday, which is great! That means my lovely and talented wife has the next TWO DAYS OFF!!!! (HOORAY!) (Bu...


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"Impossible to Produce Zine 01" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Here's the funny thing... I AM a confirmed liar, no doubt. In THIS PARTICULAR case, however, I think I was just being hyperbolic. The str...


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"Fake ARTZ (Zine)" mostly by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

I made this thing: That's a thing! I'm probably going to release this as a PDF NFT on Hic et Nunc, eventually. (I have one ot...


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“Thick and Crunchy with Lots of Nuts (A Variety of Arty Projects)” by Richard F. Yates

[Ink on purple paper with digital embellishments and color. 2020.] I enjoy drawing little monsters and ghosts and bunnies and snakes. Th...



The Kitchen Stove - 47th Heating, July 1976

It seems some things don't change. In the 47th heating of The Kitchen Stove, Louise Lincoln protests the tendency of the young to discar...
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