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Orange Season on the Herbal Homestead

In years past the oranges began to sweeten just days after the winter solstice. This year the harvest started a but late but, no matter I...


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What is an Herbalist to do? 🌿Winter Blog of a Medicine Crafter🍃

Rather than spending my mornings collecting herbs I am stuck inside wishing that the world would defrost. Winter can be a bit boring as a...


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Solstice and Full Moon Celebration ~ Seasonal Cleansing with the Power of our Celestial Neighbors

Whether you are living through the longest days of the year or the shortest I wish you a happy Solstice! From where I stand on Earth the ...


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Crafts for my Travels Ahead ~ Intentional Amulets ~ Witch Weekly (vol.2)

Witchcraft includes the word "craft" for a reason. Many modern witches are more likely to create a magical object than cast a s...


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Loyal to the Soil and Grateful to Live on Earth

Slowly but surely my wild herb garden is taking form. This plot is about a mile away from where I currently live and the location where w...


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Life on the Herbal Homestead ~ fall harvests and a welcome visitor 🍀🐎

All is well on the herbal homestead. After a couple of dramatic weeks with visits from a realtor and some prospective buyers life has ca...


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the Chestnut Harvest part one

They are a symbol of fall as they roast upon a fire or inside the oven. Or, rather, others will roast them. My job is to simply collect t...


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Butterflies & a Basket of Herbs

When I stroll through the garden my mood is instantly lifted by the colors of the flowers and the buzzing of the bees & butterflies ...


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Full Moon Celebration ~ Thankfulness and House Magic

On these three nights surrounding the full moon I feel full of inspiration. Sleep alludes me and the dreams I do have a full of adventure...


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Capturing Summer in a Bottle

The autumnal equinox is days away. Before the season changes completely I wanted to do a little magic to preserve the energy of summer fo...


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The Flowers of Each Month Curated by Me ~ A Look Inside my Seasonal Journal

As people who publish our writing and art on digital platforms it can be easy to forget the important step of writing just for oneself. ...


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Moon Mysticism ~ Timing Life to the Lunar Phases ~ New Moon

Humanities' first calendars were based on the cycles of the moon. With the advent of precise mathematics, humans could determine the posi...


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Caring for the Flower Garden ~ Harvesting Seeds for Next Year

The last two months have seen hundreds of beautiful flowers and now some of those blossoms are going to seed. My job, as the caretaker of...


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Summer Turns to Fall ~ Seasonal Living ~ February Garden Journal

This is the transitional time. Red, pink, orange, and yellow blossoms populate the garden. Meanwhile the tips of leaves on the great tree...


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Getting Back into Basket Making ~ Weaving with Willow ~ CottageCore Crafts

The plant world provides us with so much; food, medicine, protection from the elements, and of course lovely views. One thing I really ho...


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Celebrating the Wheel of the Year ~ St. Brigid's Days, Imbolc & Lammas Traditions

The days of February 1st and 2nd mark a halfway point between the December Solstice and March Equinox. And in the pagan tradition of the ...


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Nearby Nature ~ the creek after a storm

After a very dry spring the sight of clouds on the horizon is a welcome one. I am so glad to say that the mountain range has been blesse...


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Creating Our Own Abundance ~ tales from the herbal homestead

The problems of the world and our local communities can quickly get us feeling down and at this point I can't participate without feeling...



Happy Harvesting :: my october garden journal

Fava beans, giant leaves of swiss chard, and an abundance of microgreens have been the blessings of spring so far. I spent the September...
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