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Wednesday Walk - What's Blooming This Week - by Sunscape


sunscape1.8 K27 days agoHive.Blog2 min read


The gardens are coming alive as the warm weather finally arrives. I walked about the gardens to capture all the flowers blooming this week. I will share them here for #wednesdaywalk hosted by @tattoodjay.


 The Alliums are popping up everywhere and the bold purple flower heads are so pretty.

The Candytuft and Purple Rockcress are still going but will soon finish flowering.

All the Marigolds and Verbena I grew are starting to put out their first flowers. I planted the Marigolds mainly around the vegetable garden to attract the pollinators.

The few remaining Bleeding Hearts are now loaded with cute little heart-shaped flowers. I did thin out the plants last year as they were getting out of control.

I found a few Forget Me Not plants here and there. Many of them died off over the winter and only a few remain. I am sure they will reseed themselves soon enough.

The Camassia is sporting her tall spires of lavender star-shaped flowers. It is one of the first perennials that flower in the butterfly garden.

The dwarf Iris's are starting to appear and two flowered this week. I moved my blue Iris earlier this spring to a better location and I'm hoping she will still flower for me soon.

The Tree Peony is in full bloom and looks stunning in the gardenscape with her huge blossoms.

The Petunias are doing well in the hanging baskets and I love the violet flowers. I'm not fond of the growth habit and will not do them in baskets next year. I may replant them into the ground and find something else to put in the hangers.

Lastly, the Columbines are putting on a pretty show as well. Many are just forming the buds and will bloom later this weekend. Thank you for walking along with me through the photo tour of what is blooming this week. Happy Gardening to all.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day


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