A day in the life of a hiver: Poor girl, she can't run to save her own life
Come on, let's spend the day together. In this post, I take you along with me as I get on with my day. A typical day in my life generally and as a hiver.
I woke up late today at 7AM after going to bed at 3:30AM. 7AM isn’t particularly late a time to wake up in the morning, unless you have something you need to do. Well, I was having my first class of the semester of a particular course. The same course that I spent most of the night trying to understand before I attend the lecture. I went to bed because I needed to. If I didn’t go to bed, I would have had to spend the whole day sleeping to pay for the night. So, the 3hour sleep was needed.
Among other things I spent most of the night downloading materials and reading about this particular course until I needed to go to bed. I quickly got up and got on with my morning routine; clean up, pray, recite, read, breakfast. I resolved to get more serious with my academics this semester (even though it’s a little too late) so I continued reading on to get an understanding of the course. I understood the generality of the course but I just wasn’t sure how the lecturer was going to treat it and I couldn’t wait to listen to his introduction of the course.
The class was at 11:20AM but I made sure to be in the class well before the lecturer came in. That way I got to sit in the front row seats so I would not miss anything the lecturer says. You can see I’m pretty excited about this course. Honestly it is not actually about this course, I am just excited about the whole semester because it is my final semester and I just can’t wait to get done. So, what this is that, I am just trying to finish hard. Lol ;D
The lecturer is of course an expert of the course so I understood it very well by the end of the class. I had planned to go to the library after the class so I went straight there but I got there and they were not opened for students. The reason is that they are moving to a new place. Yes, my school just had a new library building. Might show a vlog some time. They had been moving for the past three weeks I was hoping they were done by now. But that was just about time for prayers so I passed by the masjid which is just behind the library and I prayed. Passed by a food joint and got some and ate. Then I made my way to my hostel since my next class is at 4PM and the only place I normally hangout in between classes isn’t opened.
When I was eating, I realized the weather was what-would-normally-be-strangely-cool but we’re in the rainy season so it is not strange at all, it means something. My mistake that I didn’t think much of it to figure that it was threatening to rain. I was inside, otherwise I would have obviously seen the clouds. I finished eating and came out and it was drizzling outside.
Again, I didn’t think much of it, I was walking in the rain like it was nothing. This time I was walking back to my hostel. I walked past the campus and into the place where I couldn’t really stop anywhere and this rain got serious, pouring cats and dogs. Till now I still don’t get why I didn’t take the weather seriously upon the signs it was giving me. The rain just had to beat me back into my senses.
I saw that my friend was also walking just a few couple of steps in front of me with her friend. My friend is a bit "weigthy", I never thought it was that bad until today. Her friend, skinny. The rain got serious before I noticed them. I saw that they were trying to walk faster to get a place to stop under. Then the rain got more serious and I saw that her friend had started running. I still can’t describe what my friend was doing, she wasn’t walking anymore, and she sure also wasn’t jogging nor running. Lol ;D.
It was definitely something somewhere between walking and running but it was nothing close to running and it was also not jogging. I took a right turn to my place while they continued ahead but I could still see them. Her friend ran and stopped under a big tree while she fumbled under the rain towards her. I wished I could help her by carrying her or something. ;(
I realized that heck, my friend really cannot run to save her own life! I can’t imagine her pain.
I got to my hostel and went to my room, dried myself off, and thought of sharing this experience with my hive family. Then I started writing this post.
This is typically how things lead to one another to become a post worthy experience for a hiver. The typical hiver is just a regular human that likes to write and share their life experiences as it happens.
When it stopped raining, I realized the time had moved quite quickly because it was already like 3PM. It wasn’t long until it was time for Asr prayers, I prayed and browsed through social media for a bit until it was getting to the time for my next class which was supposed to be at 4:45PM. I left my hostel at 4:20PM, got to campus well before the class started and waited until the lecturer showed up. At the end of the class, we wrote and quiz. I submitted my paper and left immediately I finished.
My day basically ended there because when I got to my hostel, I went to straight to bed cuz I needed to rest to be able to stay up later in the night.
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