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Tags v. Communities

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yintercept567.663 years agoWaivio3 min read


I decided to revive this Review the World Project. For this project I plan on writing a review of a day for things like Hive Tribes, Web Sites, businesses and more.

I plan on writing the reviews on the @irivers account. This way I don't get my reviews wrapped in my my philosophical musings.

Yesterday's review looked at hivePOSH

Today's Review looks at Waivio.com . It looks like the Waivo project started in the heady days of Steem. While most of the Hive Tribes use cookie cutter code. This interface appears to be designed from the ground up. Like LeoFinance, the designers of Waivio have created an interface that extends beyond the confines of the Hive-0-sphere.

The most exciting thing about Waivio is that the site allows people to interact with Hive using their Google or Facebook accounts. When a person logs in with their google account, Waivio creates a pseudo account that allows the person to interact with HIVE posts. When a google user drops a post, it gets posted on HIVE using the @guest09 account.

Unfortunately, @spaminator has decided to downvote @guest09 into oblivion.

If Waivio finds a way to work out its spat with @spaminator; then I think Waivio might become the preferred interface for sharing HIVE posts with people outside the Hive Community. I think the best way to work out this spat would be an arrangement when @guest09 burns any coins that it earns.

Tags vs. Communities vs. Objects

I created the Review the World Community as a place for unsolicited web site reviews. Since the reviews are often about different HIVE tribes, I like to use the different hive interfaces for the reviews.

Unfortunately, the different hive interfaces seem to treat the community posts poorly. Some interfaces will not let me use community accounts for tags. Others won't display the community links. Waivio does a strange thing where it wraps tags and communities in something called an object. The object then limits community interaction.

Because different interfaces treat communities poorly, I've been thinking of abandonning the Review the World Community and just use the tag #RTW instead. I guess one should expect the different interfaces to engage in interface wars as they try to gain dominance as the preferred interface for the block chain.

The objects used by Waivio might limit the ability of people to earn different coins for their posts.

Me, I like using all of the interfaces. I dislike tag spam, but I invest in a wide variety of Hive-Engine tokens. I am not keen on the idea of tribes enaging in tag wars.

I would like to hear what others think about the correct use of tags, communities, alt-coins and all of the different elements of HIVE.


I also publish the RTW reviews on Internet Rivers. Each of my reviews should result in a trickle of web traffic. If you would like me to review your site, please drop a comment.


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