The Games We Play
Yesterday was the birthday, of one of my closest friends. I met her a few years ago, here n Spain, whilst I was living in another valley. She came to visit with her partner and two sons and ended up parking up, next to the land I was living on. It wasn't long before we met and hit it off. We both have a very similar sense of humour and she really brings out my playful side, which I had been neglecting for quite a while, before I met her. So it was really good to get back in contact with that side of myself.
Me and my wonderful friend.
We always have a lot of fun together. Yesterday evening, there was a surprise gathering for her. I went with my youngest daughter, who gets on really well with her youngest son. My two eldest, didn't really fancy coming, so I left them at home. The gathering was organised by our mutual friend, the three of us are really close. We have even tattooed one another. But that's a story for another time. I got to the venue, at 5p.m. and helped to decorate a little. Then I hid, as my friend and her family arrived. My youngest, was so excited, it was hard to get her to hide.
I loved seeing my friends face when I popped my head up, from behind the counter. She lives in a different valley to me now, so I don't get to see her as much as I would like to, we are both busy mum's. So are time together is precious. There was no way I could miss her birthday though. No way I wanted to.
When we tattooed one another.
We had some delicious food and then it was game time. I wish I had taken some photos of the games, but I was enjoying myself too much to think about it. But they were a lot of fun and reminded me how important it is to just have fun. Life is so serious most of the time, even when we get together to celebrate, we can take it too seriously, with all the planning and expectations, playing games is a wonderful way to hep unwind. A wonderful way, where alcohol doesn't need to be involved. Cos here's the thing, a lot of people rely on Alcohol to relax and unwind, to even have fun.
There were around 16 adults and children at the party. My friend, wrote the names of 8 different animals on 16 pieces of party, so each animal was written down twice, with either the letter A or B next to it. Those pieces of paper were then put into a bag and each person had to take out one piece of paper without showing anyone. Then you had to find your corresponding animal, by making the sound, that the animal would make.
Last night.
I picked a fox and I didn't know what sound to make, besides the sound they make when they mate which sounds like a child being strangled. Which is not a sound I can make, so I looked for someone who looked as bewildered as I felt. Sure enough, I spotted him across the room and made by way to him, as I was surrounded by other people, mooing, barking, meowing and roaring.
We didn't win, but we did have a good laugh. Then there were two teams, team A an B, depending on which animal you picked. I was in theme A. The next game involved a toilet roll and a stick. One person to have the toilet roll held between their legs, whilst the other person held the stick between the legs. The aim of the game was for the person with the stick to get the toilet roll onto their stick without using their hands. Then pass the toilet roll to the next person in the queue. Whist passing the stick to the person who was holding the toilet paper, also without using their hands. Whoever made it through their line first won. I don't know who won, we were all laughing too hard to take notice.

( I found a photo from one of the games well before it started, noticed the glass bottle on the floor)
The next game, involved a glass bottle, a pen and a piece of string. Again it was team A, against team B. The pen was attached to the piece of string, then each person had to take turns, ting the string with pen around their waist, and walk up to the bottle and try and get the pen n the bottle, without using your hands. You really have to use small neck bottles for this game. Again we all laughed so hard, that in the end everyone was a winner.
Then to finish the games off we had a tug of war, team B won that one. It was so much fun though. Games are not just for kids.
All the images used in my post are mine.
