Self Control.
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This life is full of choices and one thing that God has given us in abundance is free will. The will to personally decide what you want and what best benefits/works for you and go with it.
Even in court proceedings if you do or say anything under duress (instigated by the lawyer or anyone), the judge will definitely kick against it.
Self Control is the act of knowing when you are crossing the line and then cautioning yourself. Yes, I know most people find it difficult to stop one-self after they have crossed the line but trust me if you want to, you will by all means.
This post is a response to the Hive Learners weekly prompt and we are to write on "should gambling/betting be illegal". Yes, I know that this vice has done more harm than good pushing people to go the extra mile because they believe the next time will be the ONE. Funny enough it results in everyday being the next time. So regarding the post, I will be kicking against the banning on the notion that everyone is matured hence concious of their decisions.
Most people will very much argue with me that forex or any other form of trading is also termed gambling. But in as much as they might be right, there is very much still a clear diffference between the two. Let's check out the definitions.
According to wikipedia,
Gambling (also known as betting or gaming) is the wagering of something of value ("the stakes") on a random event with the intent of winning something else of value, where instances of strategy are discounted. In other words, this is mostly based on luck.
but when it comes to Trading, it is more than random chance but still, and that skill in trading is the ability to use analysis, trading strategy, and knowledge to place trades with a high probability of success.
Yes, risk is constant in both and you lose money in both but trading becomes a gamble if you leave it to chances and not strategies. You should also know that life in general is a risk.
Back to our topic but before we go there, what is always written on the packaging of cigarettes "smokers are liable to die young" right? but why do they still smoke?. As I said earlier, everyone has choices to make and when they do, no one should be held accountable. The agencies are out to make money. It will surprise you to know that most of the managers of betting outlets don't gamble because they know that it is addictive.
I have heard so many people use their school fees, their house rents, their allowance to bet/gambble but yet they still keep on losing to the game. I have also had people say that one of their relative travelled out of the country via lottery and testimonies of people winning big from these sports betting. But is everyday Christmas? definately NO and if self control is not there then you will lose all that you have won.
Let me throw back a little. Back in secondary school, I had this friend that bets on the card game "whot" and we came up with a strategic to maximize his money for break.
Why Are People Addicted?
Some people say there is a type of spirit that comes especially when playing aviation or color color but here is the fact. There is a type of andrenaline called epinephrine that is triggered when one is at the gambling seat hence the addiction to it. This is where self control comes to play and when you say No, don't wait to entertain talks on it because you will later succumb to it.
What Can They Do?
First advice to anyone that hasn't started in the first place is to maintain that energy because ones you start, leaving it might be an issue.
So you have started and read this post and you want to stop. Firstly, congratulations, you have admitted that you have a problem.
Now to stop, you have to figure out what works best for you.
- be intentional.
- be conscious of your surrounding.
- have an accountability partner.
- if you fall, get back up. You might not be perfect at the first trial
- be honest with yourself.
- keep records. if possible, have a journal.
-celebrate your wins.
These above steps is not just for gambling addiction but for all forms. It worked for me and it can work for you too. Reach out to me on discord if you need someone to talk to regarding addiction.
Wishing you all the best as you go on.
