
Travel Girl18 K

dollarVote Value: 0.09

- - Snowboarding, Travel, Photography, Food, Diy & My Daily Life - -

Southern Hemisphere
Vote Value: 0.09
Active: 18 minutes ago
- - Snowboarding, Travel, Photography, Food, Diy & My Daily Life - -
Southern Hemisphere
Joined: Apr 12, 2019
#Expertise18 K
Active:  18 minutes ago
Vote value: 0.09

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HIVE vote: 0.09

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18 K

Continuing With Diamond Painting - New Hobby

Hi Everyone, What a busy week trying to get a few things sorted IRL plus locking my next trip in for a quick spin in Asia. 2024 has b...


18 K

Candid Shots Around Osaka Shinsekai

Hi Everyone, Shinsekai in Osaka is probably a place I haven't been to for nearly 10 years. The first time I was in Japan we visi...


18 K

Ice Skating In The Middle of Osaka - Tenshiba Skate (Tennoji Park)

Hi Everyone, Having an extended stay in Osaka was super fun this time around with the kids. We didn't move around like last year a...


18 K

A little side project ....

Hi Everyone, I've been so busy the last week I haven't been here on Hive. Easter was last week with lots of food and visiting friends...


18 K

Traveling the World #373 - Imamiya Ebisu Jinja 今宮戎神社 @ Osaka, Japan

Hi Everyone, Located in very close to Tsūtenkaku, the famous Imamiya Ebisu Jinja was a must stop for us on the way to Tsūtenkak...


18 K

Traveling the World #372 - Osaka Gokoku Jinja 護国神社 @ Osaka, Japan

Hi Everyone, On our way to a train expo, we came across Osaka Gokoku Jinja 護国神社 when we were changing trains. I’ve sent his Jinj...


18 K

Our Neigbourhood in Namba, Japan

Hi Everyone, When we first arrived in Japan, we stayed between Taisho and Namba due to the limited accommodation over Christmas a...


18 K

A Day Out With My Little Man

Hi Everyone, BB E caught some bugs and has been sick recently with a high fever and loss of appetite. We couldn't stay indoors with...


18 K

Traveling the World #371 - Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan @ Osaka, Japan

Hi Everyone, One of the places we wanted to take the kids to in Osaka was the famous Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan. Osaka Aquarium Kai...


18 K

Taking Trains In Japan

Hi Everyone Taking trains in Japan can be quite overwhelming. We have used mostly public transport this time in Japan as the kids ar...