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Enjoy the beauty of Lake Singkarak in West Sumatra.


tomidiwirja672.894 months agoPeakD4 min read


If you have been to several similar places then you will indirectly compare them with each other. Like me, I have traveled several times to lakes such as Lake Toba which is one of the largest lakes in Southeast Asia, then there is a lake in Takengon City, Aceh, which I forget the name of the lake, then there are also small artificial lakes and What I will discuss is Lake Singkarak which is one of the largest lakes in Batu Sangkar City, West Sumatra Province.

Each place has its own charm and has its own advantages and disadvantages, and Lake Singkarak is no different. Maybe I don't really understand the right point so I can enjoy playing in the water here or maybe this lake is only used to make it prettier just to look at, not to enjoy, the effect of a journey that is too long makes me less focused and a little tired, but it is a little relieved by the scene before my eyes. And to enter this tour, each person must pay an entrance ticket of Rp. 15,000 and for children the price is different but I forgot to ask the price.


This lake is so long, but I only found a few places that have been processed into something that is business in the tourism sector and made Singkarak Lake a more selling place and one of the favorite places that has been processed to become more attractive in the eyes of tourists is the Tan tourist attraction. Kayo. This tourist attraction offers stunning natural views of Lake Singakrak, but if you want to enjoy the lake water directly, you will have to be a little disappointed and have to be satisfied with being able to enjoy the public swimming pool here and to be able to use this swimming pool, you can use it for free.



There are several photo spots at the same time which are the facilities of this Tan Kayo tourist attraction apart from the swimming pool which I have mentioned above, including:
1. Instagrammable photo spots
If the current tourist attraction is only supported by natural scenery, it will not work if the management does not add lots of artificial photo spots to support visitors in adding to their photo collections on social media and the most sought after photo spot in Tan Kayo is the Tan land mark. Kayo itself has a charming lake view in the background and the second is a photo spot on the boat bridge. To be able to take photos here, tourists are expected to queue because the boat platform can only accommodate 3-4 visitors and to queue at this photo spot you can also take photos on the bamboo bridge and of course the background is Lake Singkarak. You can happily take photos here without being disturbed by people passing by.


2. The garden is quite large
At this tourist spot you can spread out a mat to enjoy the food you brought from home and enjoy it with the friends you brought with you, or you just want to enjoy the breeze here while enjoying a cup of coffee, wow this is like heaven on earth



3. Canteen
And talking about coffee, you can order it at the canteen closest to where you are, because there are several canteens available at this tourist attraction and the price is quite affordable for middle class people like me, but I only brought fruit and I made my own juice here. and it turned out delicious too


4. Accommodation
If you are reluctant to go home because of the long journey and still feel at home here then this place also provides accommodation at affordable prices of course.


So with the facilities you get, is the entry ticket expensive? And are there any lakes that are quite famous in your country? Greetings from Tomidiwirja, Indonesia




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