Caturday - Cats In Tha Box
Cats and boxes
Every cat owner knows that you can't make the cat happier than giving them a box to play with. It's been proven here maybe a thousand times with our cats. They all love it. Even if it's just a little piece of cardbord to sit on, they prefer sitting on that over sitting on a blanket, so weird!
Creative box ventures
My daughter loves to grab every box as she sees it as another opportunity to create a cat house floor for the two ladies. It's too funny what she creates and I should really make a series about it one day. The cats are in their element when she does and happily use the boxes to sleep or play in. Some boxes stay longer than others, such as the top floor of this cat appartment in the top picture, it's from the fruit store where I bought pittaya some months ago. They sleep in it every single day, no matter where I place the box!
Top view of the boxed kittens! They forget it's a one cat sized box, as you can see here..
They fight and then cuddle
It's insane how they can try to murder the other one minute and the next they snuggle up like they are in this box. They are highly entertaining at times and then it's great to take some pictures to remember these cute times whenever they are being shitheads, lol. Don't be fooled by the looks of these cut furballs, they can be a nightmare to deal with. We love them to death though.
Let's end the post with a good cuddle!
Have a good weekend..
All pictures above are mine...
