Auto Update Neversink Filter for Path of Exile 2
If you are playing Path of Exile 2, you know how important it is to find good quality loot. By default, there is very little information given for drops, just colored text. While this is ok for general use, but you will find it is fairly difficult to use when farming quickly and looking for the best loot.
There is a very popular loot filter in Path of Exile 1 that is being ported to Path of Exile 2. Currently it is considered a lite filter with partial functionality. Even in that state, it is still very useful as is.
High quality loot is decorated with larger fonts and drop sound effects making it really easy to quickly find loot worth picking up.
Installation is really easy, you just download it from here and copy in your game directory.
Once you download it, you need turn it on by going to Options -> Game -> Filters and select Neversink Lite Filter.
After you have done so, you will see it working immediately.
I took this further, and created a small script that downloads the latest version from GitHub and installs it over my current version. I have this in my Steam launch parameters so it is run everytime I start the game.
This filter changes from time to time, especially when new seasons are started and it is recommended you keep it up to date. You can pay a monthly fee to get auto update service, or you can just run a script that does it for you.
I created a simple script I keep in my path, then updated my steam launch options to run it first.
As I use Linux, I use this code to run it.
I will include something similar (but not tested) for Windows users.
Neversinkupdatefilter (Linux)
TARGET_DIR="/home/mal/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/2694490/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games/Path of Exile 2"
TARGET_FILE="$TARGET_DIR/NeverSinks Litefilter.filter"
mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR"
if ! curl -f -L "$URL" -o "$TARGET_FILE"; then
wget "$URL" -O "$TARGET_FILE"
Neversinkupdatefilter (Windows)
@echo off
:: This script downloads NeverSink's PoE2 litefilter
set "URL="
set "TARGET_DIR=%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile 2"
set "TARGET_FILE=%TARGET_DIR%\NeverSinks Litefilter.filter"
:: Download the filter using PowerShell
powershell -Command "& {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%URL%' -OutFile '%TARGET_FILE%'}"
echo Filter downloaded successfully to:
) else (
echo Failed to download filter.
I haven't tested it under Windows, and it is just a best effort script that would do the same thing. You will need to put it in your path, or just use the full path in the next step.
Update Steam Launch options for Path of Exile 2
I recommend watching the game directory after launching it for the first time to confirm it has downloaded in the correct directory. You can also just try turning the filter on from the game options and if it is there you will see it. Once you have turned it on in game, you don't need to worry about anything. This script will keep it up to date.
At some point when it becomes a full filter, the name of the file may change and you will need to update the script accordingly.
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
