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Review: Squeeze Station™


thapelo0552.675 months agoWaivio2 min read

Title: A Fun and Easy Way to Make Food Pouches for Your Baby: Unboxing and Review of the FreshSqueezed Squeeze Station

By Laura Hoyda

In a recent video on her YouTube channel, Laura Hoyda provides a delightful unboxing and review of the FreshSqueezed Squeeze Station, a product she purchased from Amazon for her daughter Bellamy. As Bellamy has started eating solids at five and a half months old, Laura wanted to try making her own food pouches, and this product seemed perfect for the task. The FreshSqueezed Squeeze Station allows parents to create homemade food pouches using their own recipes, making feeding time easier and more enjoyable.


In her video, Laura opens the package to reveal the impressive packaging of the station. She showcases the station itself, which comes with three slots for the food pouches, as well as the units to hold the food and the lid for the pouches. The product also includes screw tops for the pouches, ensuring a secure seal. Laura appreciates the attention to detail, such as a marker-friendly area on each pouch to label the contents and dates.

After reading the instructions, Laura decides to make a puree of banana for the food pouches. She combines one and a half bananas with a little boiled water in her Vitamix, creating a smooth puree. With the help of the station, Laura easily fills the pouches with the banana puree, finding the process surprisingly quick and convenient. She notes that the pouches can be stored in the refrigerator for 48 hours or in the freezer for up to two months.

Laura also tests the spoon attachments that come with the pouches. These attachments securely fit onto the pouches, allowing for mess-free and easy feeding. She appreciates the small hole size on the spoons, making them ideal for babies. Finally, Laura shares her plan to use the product for 30 days and promises to leave a comment on her video about how the pouches hold up over time.

With the FreshSqueezed Squeeze Station, parents can now effortlessly create healthy and customized food pouches for their little ones. It offers convenience, easy assembly, and durable storage options. Try this product today and make feeding time a breeze!

#babyfood #homemade #feeding #productreview #parenting #chatgpt

YouTube channel - Laura Hoyda: https://www.youtube.com/@LauraHoyda

Squeeze Station™

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