
Some steps are harder than others . My Actifit Report Card: May 10 2024

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terganftp1.1 K26 days agoActifit2 min read


Today I wanted to just have a nice quiet day before I go to work tomorrow.

My wife had other ideas. She wanted to go up the Abby Grind (a mostly steep walkup Sumas Mountain).

So while I wanted to get my regular 10K+ steps from regular activity and walking the dog she wanted to climb a mountain

Of course as a dutiful husband when she says she wants to go hiking I get my shoes on. If I don't I'll never hear the end of it.


Of course those steps are up up up. So much work for so few steps. Sure I got an extra 8k steps for my effort but those were hard won steps.


Nico was panting pretty hard from going up the hill. When we first started the hike he was pulling at the leash to explore. At the end of the hike he was pulling on the leash to keep from moving and take a break.


As for me. Well, there is proof that I was on the hike. All hot and sweaty. Counting step after step as I'm going up the hill. I kept thinking every step I'm one step closer.

But we did finally end up at the top of the hill.


Honestly I think going down was worse. Going up it was just the exertion that got to me. I'm mostly sedentary and overweight so going up a steep incline is hard work.

However, going down my hips, knees, and ankles took a beating from stabilizing myself going down such a steep incline.


At the end of the trek I had some pretty sore joints. When we watched some TV afterwards before bed I enjoyed the rest...but then when I went to get up for a snack (apple) I could feel my knees and hips complaining.

Tomorrow could suck
But lets see how the joints do.

Steep inclines for elderly people is just not the same as for younger people.

But thanks for dropping by.

Until tomorrow :)
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io


Hiking, Walking


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