Ever made a Meme? Me Neither!
Hello everybody! Today I got bored (again.) I stared scrolling through pretty pictures of sunsets on the internet and for the fist time I thought: "hey, I have never made a meme before, and posted it..." Well, there's a first time for everything!
I wanted to keep this photo nice and wholesome, I love how it turned out, I really like the fact that I learned a lot about image editing, like how to add the text, how to change the color, how to make the text bigger/smaller etc.
Plot twist!!!!
I made 2!!!
I really love this one too, but there is one thing I would change, I would like for the top text to be a bit lighter, like the bottom text, but the color things were not behaving so it had to turn out like this.
Maybe I will try doing this again for fun because it really helped me learn the buttons in Gimp.
Instead of just listening (or reading in this case) to what I think about my own creations, I would love to hear your opinions too! 😊✍️
Thank you for your time!
I hope you like my post, let's make some nice waves in this world! :)