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afternoon walk, enjoying the scenery along the way //with the beauty of the chili plantations:: to enjoying the beauty of the beach.


suarlex897.97last month6 min read


Hello friends, today I took an afternoon walk, enjoying the beautiful atmosphere along the way back to my hometown, and tonight I will share all the views that I got and enjoyed this afternoon, all the views that I show here, to entertain friends and friends can judge and witness for themselves the beauty of the scenery, in the district where I live.

when I went home I passed a very beautiful bridge, located in the Peudada area, this bridge is known as the longest in my area, compared to other bridges in Bireuen district.

I was very entertained today to be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery as I traveled back to my hometown.

and this is the view of the very beautiful bridge, which I passed today.








This bridge is very beautiful because this bridge has just been repaired, and has been made into two lanes, previously this bridge was only one lane, but in 2024 it was repaired into two lanes, and it looks very easy for people who drive will not get stuck in traffic, and this bridge looks very beautiful with beautiful lights. and what is certain is that those who work on this bridge are people who already have expert knowledge in the field of construction.

After enjoying the beauty of the bridge, I immediately continued my journey, and my goal before continuing my journey back to my hometown was to stop at the beach that I had visited in 2018, and on the beach there were lots of trees and it looked very beautiful.

My trip to this beach took about 4 hours, but I didn't care because this afternoon I was on my way back to my hometown, and the beach I wanted to stop at was not too far from my hometown.

Arriving at the alley leading to the beach, I saw people working on a chili plantation, I stopped for a moment to enjoy the beauty of the plantation, it seemed like the people were picking chilies and harvesting them, I was touched by their hard work, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery on the chili plantation,

and this is what the chili plantation looks like which is currently in a coma this afternoon.







I really like farming.

and this afternoon I saw a very beautiful and very fertile chili plantation, this is not the work of ordinary people, surely the person who takes care of this chili plantation is someone who has extraordinary knowledge in the field of agriculture, so I saw that the chili was very fertile, and the people who work in it must be very very happy, and excited to pick very good chilies, and that person will probably be paid by the plantation owner.

After enjoying the beauty of the chili plantation, I immediately continued my journey to the beach, so as not to arrive at the beach at night, then when I arrived at the beach I saw people swimming, and two small children playing on the beach, I saw that the atmosphere had changed a lot, compared to 2018 when I visited.

In the past, this beach was very beautiful and crowded with visitors even though this beach is not a tourist spot, but the trees planted on the edge of the beach looked very beautiful, and many people took pictures on this beach, either with their partners or with families who knew this beach, but now it is very different, I used to really enjoy it, and the trees that used to be many are now not many anymore, I saw some trees that had been cut down next to it.

but the view on my right is still beautiful, and there are still remaining trees that have not been cut down, and maybe this tree is one of the trees that was planted, and not cut down again because it is beautiful.

This is the view of the beach that I once enjoyed, for me it is still beautiful now, because I also have memories of this beach with my friends.










After being satisfied enjoying the view of the pristine beach on my right, I immediately turned to enjoy the very beautiful view on my left, where the trees there had been cut down, and I will show it here with you, because the beauty of the object on the right is indeed very beautiful, and I am very entertained, of course I want to entertain my friends who are always loyal and active with me here, everything I get today, becomes a very pleasant and entertaining feeling, I also want all of you to be entertained too.

This is what the view looks like to my left on the beach, where it looks like the trees have been cut down.








Okay guys, that's all I can tell you about my trip this afternoon, enjoying the beautiful view of the beach and chili plantations and the very beautiful bridge that I passed. Hopefully you all enjoy and are entertained, with all the views that I show above.

All the landscape photos I show you were taken using a camera...

Camera used | ponsel redmi note 7
| - | - |Traveling
F-stop | -
Iso speed | ISO
Focal length | MM
Photography | Landscape
Photographer | @suarlex

My name is Samsuar, often called Suar by my friends.I am a #photographer I come from Indonesia, precisely in the province of Aceh. I am a village boy who loves to explore nature, loves to travel and loves to tell stories about what I get, so this Hive blog is the perfect place for me.


Okay my friends wherever you are, I hope you like some of the landscape photos that I have displayed above, I apologize if there are any mistakes in my writing, because I am only an ordinary human being, there must be mistakes, see you in my next post!❤️.

Pigeon | © OpenStreetMap contributors


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