[Straw Plays] Visage - Part One (P.T. Inspired Horror Game!)
First off let me start by warning you. This is another scary game and in my opinion a lot scarier than the previous ones. If you don't like horror or are easily scared then I must tell you.
I know what you're thinking. "Straw, why are you only playing horror games?". Well, I don't really know. I guess I have an itch for horror games right now and there are still some good ones I haven't played through. Visage is one of them. I think at some point I did try this game out but I didn't play it much before giving up. It is a difficult game and requires you to carefully investigate everything in this house.
It's inspired by P.T. which would have been one of my favorite horror games if it was ever finished or even kept around. Right off the bat, you'll notice how similar everything is. The house, the things happening around you, and pretty much everything feels a lot like the start of P.T.
There's a lot of walking around though and I am getting seriously lost in this house and its huge basement all the time. There are not really any clear objectives as one would expect from this type of game so there will be a lot of just trying to find your way by looking around and "investigating". Either way, I won't give up until I've finished it so see you guys next time!