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Rural charm - Planning with a sprinkle of happiness.


steemflow11.7 Klast month4 min read

My Dad always insisted me to approach the transition phase in life with an open mind and a willingness to adapt to the new environment. We never know what bucket of surprise awaiting for us to unfurls. Changes are inevitible, this what made my shifting to village veey smooth journey. Moving from living in a metropolitan city to living in a village brought about a significant change with both advantages and challenges. The experience of living in a village after spending years in a city can vary greatly depending on individual preferences and circumstances. Some people may find the change to be refreshing and rejuvenating, while others may struggle with the differences in lifestyle and amenities.

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The first picture that comes across in everyone mind when it comes to Indian villages are lack of civic ameneties and old mud houses. This is what our villages looked in the earlier days. There was a time, when my village was one of the backward region. There were no electricity , no roads and no planning like we have in cities. The city planning always used to be in a planned manner. The civic authorities alwsys comes up a blue print to make all facilities available to the residents. Even at times such planning fails in big way. I remember, I spent more than a day at office due to water logging in one of the urban official areas of Gurgram. What considered to be a hub for differrnt MNC, was facing the touch challenge of traffic and water logging during rainy season. It was a routine things that happens every year. And the civic authority fails to comes up with the solution.

Where time stands still
The situation at villages is no way like city. Indian villages have a rich history of culture and tradition, and villagers often gather for festivals, fairs, harvests, and other religious and cultural functions. Villages are also exempt from the heavy traffic of city life. This makes the village life more convenient and peaceful. The Panchayati Raj System in India is a three tier structure for village level planning, with the first tier being the Gram Panchayat (village assembly). The second tier is the Panchayat Samiti at the block level, and the third tier is the Zila Parishad at the district level.

They look after the progress made carrying out the development work innour villages. Our villages have comes a long way from.the ancient time. We have now an operation banking at the door step, the villagers were enjoying the internet facilities, while every home have an electricity and pucca roads to make the reach easy and concerning. We have now a local managed own transport system connecting the small village to the town. And thus the life has got better. The development of villages is mostly carried out bybthe government. In the absence of any private ownership, every planning and decision has gone through many official record. Though it takes times to execute but surely the development took place efficiently.
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Currently, the work for water pipeline has been carried out in our village. Through the roads were dugs up here and there, the road maintenance department is actively keeping a watch to mend off the work in quick time. Such promptness is made possible through local people participation. People living in the village were the main driving forces. It is all about the community oriented and tl be involved in the planning process and treated as stakeholders, not beneficiaries. Village planning aims to develop a village in an integrated way, including economic development, infrastructure, education, health, water supply, and access to all facilities.
This is my Day - 8 entry for Inleo Writing Prompt for the m/o May.


Namaste @steemflow

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