For All Mankind: The Bear Hug – Season 04 – Episode 03 – RECAP
The Margo situation and circumstances, since day one her character really annoyed me, they have taken this powerful women and put her in such a decadent state that its almost like she is dead in spirit and body, she looks very bad and on this episode she almost look like a very old person like she cant stand herself, like she survive a literal beating and now is a political prisoner at Russia.
Lets get the Margo problem out of the way first and its not that complicated in fact this entire season feels like she is just there to fill in the space but I guess things will get more interesting with her character latter down the line, specially now that a regime wanted to take over the Soviet Government and she is the link between the Russian Space Program and NASA, to make things worst she got arrested with other people at the park on last episode because police were beating on an old guy protesting, this entire take over will have some impact at Happy Valley too, remember its a nations effort to build this base, there are a lot of Russians up there.
Kelly and Aleida, or is it Kelly, Aledia and Dev now? well not really for their first interview after Kelly and Aleida were rejected all over the place Aleida came with the plan to pitch Dev who at the moment I think is still struggling with loosing his company and now the daughter of the women who basically had him kicked out wants his help? I knew that was not going to work or at least not so fast, Dev is a very though guy with an ego and he would not help Kelly that easy or not before taking something out of his chest so when Kelly told him basically he was an idiot not to help them Dev took it on her mom, little low ball if you ask me but it is what it is the guy is still butt hurt and who wouldn't.
Women are a huge part of this season because on each corner on each side story there is a women changing things for ever, Miles have his wife at Earth who is having a hard time taking care of the family with Miles still not making enough after the asteroid program got shut down and on Mars he got Samantha who always encourage him but not necessary into good or even legal entrepreneurship, what I mean by this is that she is probably the type of women with the idea of doing everything necessary to survive, on this episode she also tells Miles how she got divorced by her ex husband the minute she landed on Mars, so she is free?
It definitely feels like Samantha is throwing into Miles but he only have time to think about making extra cash since the job at Mars is not cutting it, this time he tries to convince Ilya to let him work with him who at first didn't want to but guess who put them together? Samantha, she push the idea letting Ilya realize Miles has a green batch that will open doors Ilya would never get in, now they can expand to new customers so Ilya call it a test run, explain him the business but over all told him to be extremely cautious since his partner got caught at the moon smuggling and arrested, charged with tax evasion.
Again, women, don't get me wrong I have nothing against them but on this series they are in control and constantly changing the course of things, Edward doesn't have the firm grip he once had and cant control the ship anymore as he use too so now he relies more on Svetlana, the tries to be slick making her think he is giving her the "chance" to maneuver, she have been suffering from some pains on her side and cant get any medicine to make effect until Mr. Buffalo soldier here gives her some of his special herbs that only he knows about it, at some point someone will find out, they are in a fucking space base so where is he going to put them? cant throw them out the window?
Here the scenes were Margo look so weak and decadent, everything happen without much context, the women who once gave her a card at the park saying that she knows who she is, well she is back and seems to be a powerful women within the government and after the take over attempt there has been a truce between both parts and Irina, the mysterious women is now in charge of Roscosmos and wants Margot working with her, what I didn't like about this scenes is that they make it look like it Margot was torture but she never was and all of the sudden everything ends very quick.
On Miles latest last adventure he wanted to give back in a way of appreciation to Ilya making his still machine work faster with a compressor but that led to a burn thermostat coil and the only ones who had one on the base were the Korean, this is the scene that got the most intense and is the one that enjoy the most after the ending of the episode, to make things more interesting is that he gets caught by Lee, who is part of the Korean crew and in exchange of not reporting him wants Ilya to bring his WIFE to Mars, basically smuggle his wife to the base, this is going to be interesting moving forward, how do you get someone into Happy Valley without anyone noticing.
The episode close hard, Dev accepts Kelly and Aleida proposal but only if they help him get back Elios buy selling the idea to large share holders who they know a few and this work out so well for Dev, I got to say Edi Gathegi does a great job at giving speech and selling himself as an innovator, when the guy speaks makes you feel like you are in front of a genius. He also as a very firm temperament and when he show up at Helios once they got the largest amount of share backing them up he turns into savage mode, humiliating publicly every single person on the room who back stab him and got him kick out, he threw out the gate everyone who could be a future menace for his new project to find living organisms in Mars.
As you can tell I really enjoy this episode, this is one of those rare tv series where you will find one episode that was not good, thanks GOD its not an adaptation because for example Mandalorian is on the same space with no bad episodes but people always complain about how far from the story it is, well they can't this time, so far I find "For All Mankind" almost perfect from start to finish since season one and as I mention its funny how on every single side story there is a women changing the course of things, are they sending a message? girl power? I really don't care, all I care about is that its entertaining.