
Freedom of Speech in Web3


shriram191.6 K19 days ago4 min read

Hello People,

Hope the day is going well for you and it's going well for me also.

Freedom of speech is such a nice topic and these days the world is talking about it. This is because social media is more popular and people prefer to share their thoughts digitally. It is also because some of the companies are trying to have control of free speech. It is also because censorship is there where the tech companies are trying to control what people are sharing in the open domain. It is also important because sometimes we are not given the platform to talk about and these platforms expect us to say something favourable for them.
I'm glad that now Web 3 exists where free speech or you can call it freedom of speech is provided. It is provided that there is no censorship so you are free to write whatever you feel like. You are free to talk about any topic specifically you should not be targeting any religion or the political party as this is not considered good. Other than these hiding everything is good to go on this platform. I am about to complete a year and in this tenure, I have not faced any problems. I cover different topics from time to time and I have not been targeted by any individual and I know that there is no censorship. We are responsible people and we know what should be told and what should be not so this way we are getting the freedom of speech in the digital world.

I think that hive is the best place where people can share anything and because it is on blockchain it will remain here always. This is the best part about blockchain data which cannot be altered. Whatever is stored will remain forever but with Web 2 that is not the case. I don't want to name the companies in this article but I hope that you know there are so many big tech companies name who are doing censorships. I have seen people losing their account access on Twitter and also on YouTube and even Facebook. I have not seen anyone struggling with this problem on this platform and this is the best part about Web 3.

I believe that I should not be controlled by any company or entity in my words. My words should be free and I can say whatever I feel like when I want. Putting control or some sort of censorship on the words of individuals is not good in the 21st century. We are humans and we have the right to speak provided we are not targeting any individual. We should have the right to say the right things in an open place or digital domains and there should be no control over that. I hope that in the future web 3 is going to be the go-to place for everyone because people will look for freedom of speech and I doubt that it will be available in Web 2. It will not be available because the companies will not prefer to lose their control. It will also be not available because with such platforms users are the product and they make money out of them. It will not be available because they would not ever try to lose on their revenue and the model they have been working on for ages.


To conclude I can say that freedom of speech is every human's right and if you are not getting it over the Internet then you need to think about making a move to the right place. Hive is the place where you can talk about anything without worrying about what others might think and this is called true decentralisation. It is a growing platform and growth means more accessibility for more people every day so many people are joining the platform which means freedom of speech is getting spread across the world. Needless to say, it is provided by default to all individuals at high and that's the best part.
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