Got a problem, and an itch I want to scratch.
My itch is political in nature.
Never been much of a fan regards politics. Got no choice really other than to infiltrate them and disband them.
Unsure how anyone else wants to deal with them, but I for sure know how I want to. May take 4 years, may take 10. No idea.
The pirate party is the start, you can expand said idea and use it in a country near you or your own.
Local people, popular people. Yes we get in via them. And then dismantle the central machine war pigs.
Plan 2 after is to create a monetary system with silver, or any other precious metal.
It may get me killed, I have no way of knowing.
I did see my younger self in a dream last night and he did bid me farewell with that weird 2 finger gesture, no not the middle two, more the index and small one. Not a club I am willing to join though.
When you have so many that depend on you, be them cats, dogs, birds in the winter when the snow is lay on heavy. When you have people too. When they need you. Then yes, got to change some things for the better.
Starting with those creeps in polit-ticks that live off our back, sip our wine, eat my food yet not have a clue how to make or grow any of it.
Yes, we need some change.
They need to learn how to feed themselves. That would be a pleasant change.
As they try to sell us carbon neutral, May I suggest they just get a noose, string it up, hang themselves and do us all a favour!
They jet off all around the world but want us to sit at home, not holiday, not have fun, not drive what we want.
They will sell you a label. Black, White, LBGTQ, anything to divide you.
Run you down with fear.
Hate him this week, hate them the next.
They sold us the left V right moronic poli-tiks. Sorry, not swallowing it. Not interested in any label other than a human-being that enjoys life.
I guess that is bad though now in the idiocy of the carbon neutral logic? You want it, get ya noose on, you know what to do.
Bill Gates and his ideas can also suck my sweaty balls. Deluded springs to mind, detached from reality too.
Bit like the convid19 event 201 plandemic germ theory bollox is it not (come on I have to get one swear word in).
As the lunatics that live off our backs for free named poli-ticks are all seemingly insane and out of con-trol. What you going to do? Become the pirate they are, beat them at their own game. But then make the world a better place.
Make no mistake about it, we are coming for you poli-ticks. "We are the change we want."
You had your time of false flags, wars by deception, you had your fake money backed by nothing.
There are more of us than you. We are the power. You just forgot your title, "public servant!"
No matter what, the seeds are planted. If I die they carry on.
If you think I am interested in doing a walk to demon-strate, you are sadly mis-guided. I have no interest in propping up your power.
Steal from the poor to pay the rich days need to end, end them we will: More of us than you!
"Steal definition is - to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as a habitual or regular practice. How to use steal in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of steal."
And in you the young I trust.
Have a superb day. List of people to send this article to if I may.
Your time is up!
Or send to any other Davos - lazy ass - attending lock down moron you want to send it to
We no longer believe a word you say.
Get your own house in order or the real pirates will. And from the UK with Liam, to Poland with the pirates, we will take the entire system you built apart, and so we will! Common law or nothing. PIRATES!