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The Quartet of Happiness.

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sheila2310.363 years ago5 min read

I am the mother of 3 beautiful children who complement my day-to-day life, each one with a different personality, with defects and virtues, but they are unique in every sense of the word.

Why the happiness quartet?

The 4 chemicals that stimulate happiness in our brain are said like this:


It is in charge of generating that feeling of well-being and satisfaction when we fulfill a goal or something that we had as a purpose. It is largely the one that controls and regulates our mood and our sleep. We stimulate dopamine by laughing at everything, including ourselves. In this first stimulus I have no complaints, living with a 7-year-old boy, an 8-year-old girl and a 14-year-old teenager without a doubt I can laugh out loud, each occurrence of them is a stimulus to my life, they are more dopamine than what what I expected.



We stimulate the hug hormone or the love hormone.
  hugging feeling affection thinking positive eating chocolate and among others, this is where the fourth person who complements my special quartet comes in, my husband, each of them is a fundamental part of that affective stimulus that we need in our lives my children with their unconditional love with their tireless laughter with happens
stays that change your life gestures that fall in love and my husband with love and affection towards me. complementing the best moments of my life and the chocolate obviously added that extra point without hesitation.


Controls moods, helps to inhibit aggressiveness by acting on libido and appetite, sleep and body temperature.

It encourages being grateful, remembering good times, being Kind and seeking tranquility. I have always felt grateful to have the privilege of being a mother, despite having my first daughter at a very young age, I learned to be grateful because she was born healthy and why I had the strength to carry it out even though I did not have the maturity at that time. Today At her young age I can say, What is a teenager with Vision with goals has come to have achievements and a few days ago I received a comment from her where they told me "your daughter is a true leader" and that gave me satisfaction, Because to make a 14-year-old adolescent, she has learned to have courage for herself, to value her time, to value her body, to take care of her siblings, to value their education, and to define concepts and know how to make decisions. The one in the middle, my beautiful chubby, with whom I have learned many things, diagnosed her with a special condition where medically they call her a borderline girl because of her coefficient that perhaps is not as high as that of the others but I always feel grateful for the work that my husband and I have done with her since we never decided to treat her as a special girl but as a normal girl.
We teach her to be able to do whatever she sets out to do and that even if it costs her a little more than the others, she has tools which I can use and become whatever she wants in her, we find more love than normal, what is lacking according to the doctors. In his coefficient or in his brainiac, he has plenty of love, he has plenty of inspiration, he has plenty of strength, and he teaches us every day to be better people and not to live with limitations and after her comes the smallest man in the house But the one with the most energy He has it is impossible for him to stay calm there is not a time of day when he does not do a mischief or in which he does not spill something we are already used to that but he is extremely intelligent you can start a cryptocurrency conversation with him that he loves about statistics and numbers of Videogames is an open book at such a young age and my husband, the engine of the house, called him that because he is tireless who reminds us that we must continue to persevere who puts much more thought in us Positive values ​​and those who fight every day so that we learn more and not be satisfied but that we continue to advance.


These become inhibitors of emotional and physical pain and are a very important part of this quartet.

We stimulate this hormone by laughing singing Dancing not taking anything personal avoiding stress and above all working as a team and how do you see my team is quite complete we always work together what belongs to one we try to make it belong to the other we have raised our children in a way that is take care and know that everything is better if we work together we dance we sing we laugh we cry our home is like a refuge that place where we release everything that can stress us outside that door, all problems remain inside, only smile is allowed and if we cry we cry together if we lose or we fall we get up if we learn something new we put it into action always united
This is my quartet of happiness each of them is an important part of my life is what I always dreamed of a family, wonderful children who will not be the perfect ones but they are My greatest motivation and a husband with whom I have lived moments of laughter of sadness highs and lows always united.

There is no greater stimulus to your brain than the people you love in life.


Posted via proofofbrain.io


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