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Literate Social Media Thumbpressers ( Angutha Chaap )


shahzad-ansari622.882 years ago5 min read

Hi Hiverians, I know you didn't understand the title of my blog. how it could be understandable, because it is a Southeast Asian term that I have given the name Thumbpresser in English to explain to you. So, actually what is a Thumbpresser? In fact, in Pakistan and India, people who are illiterate, even they cannot write their own name, are called (Angutha Chaap) thumbpresser. It is a negative word and is also used in a negative way. Such persons put their thumb impression on official documents or where signatures are required. This can be a very hurtful label for someone to carry around, and can lead to discrimination and exclusion from many aspects of society. That's why, children who are not good in studies, teachers and parents often scare them by saying that if they don't study, then you will become (Angutha Chaap) Thumbpresser.

Why did I write literate Thumbpresser in the title if Thumbpresser is a title used for illiterates?


As social media becomes more and more popular, a new breed of user has emerged, and I named them the literate Thumbpresser. These are people who mindlessly like posts and videos without actually reading or watching them. This has happened to me often. I remember posting something on traditional social media that got a lot of likes, but when I mentioned it to the same people in person, I realized that almost none of them had actually read or seen it. It was just easier for them to tap the like button than to engage with the content. This trend is concerning to me because it suggests that people are becoming less interested in thoughtful, well crafted content and more interested in quick sound bites and easy entertainment. They just saw that I had posted something and hit the like button. This trend is frustrating because it devalues actual engagement with content. If everyone is just liking things without bothering to read or watch them, then what's the point? Social media becomes little more than a popularity contest, and that's not what it was meant to be.

I have a purpose for writing a blog on this topic.

And if you have read this far, there is good news for you.

I am dedicating 100 hives for Hiverians who read my blogs with interest. Comment on this blog post and use the hashtag #IAmAReader. For five days from the publication of this blog post I will give away 3 hives to each of the first 20 comments and 40 more commenters will receive 1 hive each. This is my way of saying thank you to those who take the time to read my blogs and engage with me in the comments section. I appreciate your support and I hope you enjoy the hives!

The only purpose I have for gifting to readers is to know if my writing on Hive is actually being read. I started writing on Hive because I wanted to engage with real people, but I began to doubt myself after one of my posts received upvotes. I wrote a blog in Swedish and didn't think it would be upvoted, but it was. At first, I thought this meant that my blog had been translated and read,
But from my this post today, I will realize that I am thinking wrongly and rightly. I wish I would be proven wrong.

One more incident I would like to share with you hivers. People who make videos will agree with me. A short duration video content that takes a lot of time, creativity, research to capture the attention of the audience. I made a fifteen minute video and within 2 minutes of uploading it on facebook and youtube, it got more than one hundred likes. At first, I was really happy about this, but then I realized that people had only liked the video because they hadn't actually watched it. If they had watched the whole thing, it would have taken them at least fifteen minutes. This made me really sad because I had spent an entire week making the video and they didn't care about the content or the effort that I had put into it.


Thank you so much @hamza-art for awesome artwork for my blog post.

As I mentioned in my intro, from the last 2 decades I have been active on social media, google mapping and reviews, youtube and thatsup. I will share my own past interesting content from these channels, but all my upcoming content I will share on hive.blog first.

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