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Ways to Maximize Your Ranked Battle Earnings


saydie4.4 Klast monthPeakD6 min read


Hello there! @saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!


One of the core gameplay for Splinterlands is through Ranked Battles where players gets to play amongst other players in real- time, clashing with each of their best line-up. And for the player that wins the battle, he will receive battle rewards though the amount given on each battles could vary due to different factors such as the league you are playing or the rewards available on the reward pool. Still, there are ways that we can do to help increase the rewards we get.

In this post, I will walk you through the ways to increase your Ranked Battle rewards whether you are just new to the game or a returning player as my entry for this week's Community Engagement Challenge.


Ranked Battle Rewards


Through winning in ranked battles, players not only get an increase with their rating but also receive
rewards and there are two types of rewards that we can get by winning ranked battles.


First, is the Splintershards (SPS) which is a tradeable token that we can burn to get Dark Energy Crystals (DEC). It is also the official Governance Token of Splinterlands which can use to vote on Dao Proposals. The SPS that you earn will be staked in your account and will take 4 weeks to unstake, giving you 25% of the total amount each week. Only players that purchased Spellbook can earn SPS.


Another reward that is given was Glint which is a soulbound token, meaning it cannot be traded or transferred. The use of this token is for buying items on the Rewards Shop such as card, titles or energy. Free-2-Play accounts can earn Glint.


Ways To Increase Ranked Battle Rewards

There are multiple ways to boost your Ranked Battle Rewards which I divided into two categories. Category A are boost modifiers that will actively apply before the battle start while Category B were boost modifiers that will only apply upon certain conditions.

🔸 Category A Reward Boosters

SPS Stake

Having an SPS staked in your account is the biggest factor to determine your base earnings. For each league, there was a modifier that will determine the amount of rewards that you will received per battle. The table below is for the SPS requirements for Modern league and it is doubled for Wild. In case that you do not have the required SPS amount for your league, you can rent SPS which will last for 7 days.


Guild Bonus

Joining an active guild does not only allow us to participate in Brawls where we can earn some SPS and Merits but also gives bonus on our reward earnings up to 20% which depends to the level of the Guild Lodge.


And by going to Boost Overview, we can go check the boost modifiers from SPS Staked and from the Guild Bonus. I have around 170k SPS staked owned and rented combined which falls around the x8.99 boost modifier for Champion 3 and by having the 12% Guild Bonus, my modifier has increased to x10.07.


Prefix Titles

This reward boost are only given to players that own certain amount of land as well as for players that has the required amount of resources. The players who have the Prefix Titles are easily distinguishable as they will also receive a badge which can be seen next to their name.


🔸 Category B Reward Boosters

Win Streak

Winning back-to-back battles not only allows players to increase their ratings, players who win consecutive match gains the benefit of a Win Streak bonus starting with 5% by winning 2 consecutive battles up to 50% by winning 11 or more consecutive battles.


Gold Foil and promo Cards

Using Gold Foil cards regardless of the rarity gives an automatic 10% bonus for each card including the summoner with the maximum of 70% bonus given that there are max of 7 cards that can be used in battle. This applies the same with Promo cards and with promo cards that happens to also be gold foil, that brings 20% reward bonus.

Promo CardGold Foil Card

Pro Tip:
Always have have the summoner Lux Vega within your deck as it was a very versatile on many situations for being a neutral summoner and since it was a promo card, you will always have 10% boost when using this card.

Alpha and Beta Cards (Wild Only)

If you were playing in Wild Format, using Alpha Cards will give you 10% bonus while Beta Cards gives 5% bonus for each card used and if the cards were also happen to be a gold foil and a promo card, the reward bonus will stack to increase your overall boost modifiers.

Alpha CardBeta Card



And those were the means on how you can boost your Ranked Battle Rewards. I hope that it helps you with your grind. By the way, up to the end of the season, Glint rewards are boosted by 50% until the end of season. Happy earnings!

Thank you and see you on the next post!


Previous Post

To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.

All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

If you find the game through my post and register through my Referral Link, just comment in any of my post and I will provide with some card and SPS delegations to help you get started to the game.

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

Thank you for reading my post. If you're interested to play Splinterlands, you can join by clicking the images below and follow me on Twitter and 3Speak for timely Splinterlands updates.




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