Third Innings of life starts today
A divine direction showing a way
This morning, was a special one, and there was a special gift from the Kids on my table, when I got up. It's my birthday, and they did prepare it well to give me this surprise, which meant a lot. The little ones brought these cute little gifts but with a huge message - match up for my kind of day and my kind of GOODNESS - which they have been feeling since they came to this world. And let me tell you about a divine coincidence that happened few days back and correlates to this.
Since childhood, I have been a person who always dares to face anything that comes in my way and stand strong with patience to pass the bad times, doing my work. There is a saying - do your work and there will be a day, when you will get the result. For some, it may come fast ,but for some it may come very late, but for sure, it will come. So all along, I have been a believer of my work, and even though, I do not get the desired result most of the times, I try to be contained with what I get, being thankful to the Lord, because there are people in this world who have more sufferings than us. However, things always do not go as we wish. Since 2018, I have been going through some health issues, and after consulting many English doctors, doing all kinds of tests, I could not find out a solution. At one point, I was feeling very low, but then one night the Lord came in my dreams, directing me to reach to a Homeopathy doctor at Bangalore, who I know, as I had undergone some treatments for a severe skin issue 15 years back. For next few days I tried to put up all the history, reports etc, but still was not getting that boost to reach to her and that's when the second kick came from the Lord Jagannath - why do I need to live, always doing so much work ? I have given enough of my goodness to everyone, without getting one. My requirements of life was always simple and I lived and earned mostly for others. Even if I am not around, they can still manage, with the amount of finance that they would get - I was literally arguing with him in my dreams. No, they need a Papa, not the finance - You still have unfinished business in this role. The need a Papa who can stand with them in times of difficulties.
The first thing that I did the next morning was to pray the Lord asking him to forgive me for my ignorance. And then prepared all the details and reached to the doctor, took an appointment. After going through all details, the very first question she asked me : why didn't you reach me earlier ? I most likely can cure this, though it may take a little longer. I will write more about this in another post, but for the sake of curiosity, things are going well since I started the treatment. I don't know where this will end up, but I am trying to collect all the positive energies to start the third Innings of life - to play the role of Papa in a better format.
Interestingly, July is a pretty loaded month for us, recently we celebrated our 19th anniversary, and then today is my birthday and her birthday is just after six days. So today we decided to celebrate at home by having some good food and then meet with the person, who brought us into this world - Parents, especially Mom.
After spending the day with my wife and kids, I came to my native to seek the blessings of my parents - they were delighted to see me, on this day. They definitely do not ask for anything (still playing their role), but we must know what they deserve. Thank you so much for bringing me to this world and still inspiring with all that you do at this age.
This day would have been incomplete without writing this memory. Coincidentally, July is also my #hive anniversary. It has been an amazing seven years on the chain, and it certainly feels great to express my feelings on this chain, writing my souvenir.
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