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The one who never disappoint.


samolaj66.1921 days ago3 min read

In this world of uncertainty when no one could come to our aid in the time of trouble, not even our close friends nor our family members, one thing we should always do is to call on Jehova, who can never forsake us. One thing is that when you and I put our trust in our fellow human, we should not be rest assured of success or even prompt response. Why? This is because we all human and not God and for this reason, human can fail at anytime. But our God can never fail us.

This reminds me of what happened to me sometimes ago, where I was promised by my mum. My mum promised me to see me through the journey of life, but she couldn't fulfil her promise due to her untimely death. So, like I said, we should always call unto Jevoha who can do all times , he never slumber nor sleep, he can never die. Though, that of my mum was not intentionally motivated, but what could have become of me if there's no God who never fail or forsake his own, by my side.


Dykie song, titled call on Jehova, is a typical message of relying only on God and not human, at the start of the musical, he showed us that no matter how important anybody can be to you, they can disappoint. This can be seen in his bid to call both his father and mother, he tried calling on them for help as portray in the video, but all to no avail and it was then he turned away from them to Jevoha who came to his aid.

So, in life, let's be prepared for any kind of disappointment from men as it's only God that can never disappoint. Even, if men eventually help you, they will still use it against you. This can also be seen in the video as a character that was helped to become a significant figure in the society was used as a reference point to the fact that when men helped, they tends to become lord of those whom they have helped. The song is so inspirational and the message is strong.

These are my questions;

  • Who do you call upon?
  • Have you been disappointed?

If yes, call on Jehova who can never disappoint.

Thanks for reading.

Thumbnail sourced: pixabay.

Video source: YouTube


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