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Looking Within


rukkie978.35last month3 min read

Growing up, Some of us learned that our parents, for those who were able to get an education or go through school studied using writing slates and chalk as their writing materials.

But now with the advancement in technology even writing books is gradually leaving the educational settings as gadgets like phones and laptops are now used to replace them.
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I could remember that the first phone I had then was given to me after my secondary school education. Whereas now, you see children in primary classes having their phones. It's funny how every child even a baby is so drawn to technology. My question is;

Is Technology A Disease?

The truth of the matter is that technology is here is stay and isn't going anywhere. The amount of things we can access now through the use of technology is more like the tip of an iceberg compared to what is coming in years to come.

The importance of technology in education is just so numerous but then why is that most children especially teenagers are losing interest in learning?

As a teacher, I see the interest of students in education reducing day by day, as all they want to do is to stay glued to their phones. It's more or less like they are being forced to come to school to learn.

Last week, a representative from the group that gives Educative Talks to students in secondary school came to my workplace and asked to schedule a time for them to come give a talk to students in my school on the dangers of taking substances (drugs). After they left, I couldn't help but wonder what this generation of youths is turning into. What is this society turning into?

You will see young boys around now smoking without a care in the world. They are exposed to many of these vices from most of the things they see on the internet. What then do we do? We need to look within and find the cure.

We have people saying technology has done more harm than good but what are we doing individually? Are we part of the problems? Are we also causing harm every time we take our phones to post something online?

"The cure is in the disease". If we have more educative and inspiring content online. If we have a case whereby when people pick up their phone to surf through the internet, they see more educational content either in the form of writing or used as entertainment then maybe things will change for the better.

In a country where negative things are being celebrated, I must say it won't be an easy feat but If positive things are being celebrated over negative or immoral things, I bet it would have a great impact and influence on the younger generation.

The government has a huge role to play so does every one of us. If we all play our part we can through the use of technology, we will gradually bring back sanity and lost values back into our society.

This is my response to the dreem-wotw by @samsmith1971


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