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ruffatotmeee2.1 K29 days agoPeakD4 min read

Some women love to have pretty finger nails, and I'm one of those. Giving it color, making a design, and trying new things as part of being creative is always fun when it comes to nail art design. And that's why I always maintain my nails, giving them a clean cut and making them grow to the size I want. Some women here know how lovely it is to design such long and pretty fingernails, right? Right? But I have one problem, I have thin finger nails, and I hate it.


Just scratching my hair or washing my clothes is enough to destroy them, and it is always devastating that I always have to cut them short. And because my hand is always wet from washing plates and doing other stuff, it became thinner. And that can result in a more devastating end because not just one nail will be destroyed but two or three. And no choice, I really have to cut all my nails. Isn't that extremely upsetting ಥ‿ಥ. By the way, I took this photo when it broke, and I had to put a band-aid on it for it not to damage more of my nail. This upset me more than when I broke up with my ex( ꈍᴗꈍ).


I was in college when I felt this extreme envy from a friend because of that. I have this classmate and a friend. She's pretty, she has pretty hair, a pretty face, a pretty nose, and even pretty finger nails. Gosh, hers is just really thick and really in good shape. And I can't help but question God about why she has everything while I can't even have pretty fingernails. But of course, that's just the "insecure me" talking. I just couldn't help it that time, you know. I was full of envy at that time, lol. Those are the days, lol.

But anyway, I just wanted to share about that because today I finally see my nails improving. I think it's because I don't do the dishes anymore, I don't cook, and I don't wash clothes either. Because of that, my nails have had more time to recuperate. This is the only time that my nails have rested from those house chores, to be honest, the only time that they don't get wet aside from when I'm washing my hands. Well, that's the only thing I can do in the house, who else will do that but me?

Actually, I already cut them the other day. It is really longer than this, and I find it so pretty. It's sad because I don't have available nail polish with me. But if I have it, I'll surely color them just like the old time. It's been so long since I last had my nails done. Most of the time, I do the coloring because I find it more fun than letting others do it for me. And I can paint it the way I want, and I can also do some experimenting if I do it myself.

But I have a confession to make, to be honest, only the left hand has those long and pretty nails. Because the right hand is just like that (☞^o^) ☞. I can't really put a design on this one because even if I did put some on it, it would just fade the moment I put nail polish on it because I'm a right-handed woman, so I use this much often. And as you can see, the nails here are shorter than the left hand. I have to cut it this short or much shorter because it will only be ruined later as it is much more delicate compared to the other hand.

"Is there a reason why my nails grow thinner?" That's the question I keep on asking and upon searching on google, there could be more than one reason why. It could be I am low with calcium or deficiency in iron, vitamin B or D. Another is, it maybe because of some chemicals from those detergent or some nail polish. I'm low of iron so I think this is the reason why in my case. But anyway, I'm happy today because they grow thicker now than before. Even though it will go back to how it used to be, I'm just glad right now that I experienced it again.

Lead Image Edited in Canva

Who else is here who gives a lot of attention to their fingernails? How's your nail art design right now? Can we see it too (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)?



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