I literally don't have time for self-care.
My response: Wow, and how is that going for you??
There's a freaking lot wrong in the world right now and one thing to just add to the list is that y'all seem to think that self-care is something:
that can only be done on Sunday
that can only be done at a spa
that has to cost you a pretty penny
that has to take up hours of your time
The truth: I mean ya, spas are nice. A nice little getaway is always welcomed. But the fact of the matter is that self-care isn't some grand thing that you do once a week on Sunday.
Self-care is:
regular sleep
spending time with people you love
saying no to what no longer serves you
fueling your body with something other than Doritos (it's hard, I get it)
taking a deep freaking breath
taking the long way home
whatever the heck you want it to be!
You get my vibe here?
Stop falling into the trap that self-care is something unattainable and using that as an excuse to not take care of yourself and listen to what your body needs.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
