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ricci011.4 K3 years agoHive.Blog3 min read

Since the creation of humanity, man has manifested his weakness in any area of ​​his life and obviously these weaknesses have influenced human behavior in actions and habits until they become addictions.


Weakness is not an act of cowardice, it does not mean being a bad person, it means that we need someone to be able to balance it and be able to solve our emotions when we cannot fight them by ourselves, because if we recognize that we are weak, we must also recognize that we need God to being able to be strong and not be ashamed of our weaknesses

The apostle Paul said the following about this:

2 Corinthians 12:10
Therefore, for the love of Christ, I rejoice in weaknesses, in insults, in needs, in persecutions and in anguish; Because my weakness is my strength.

Many people believe that their weakness is an affront and that they cannot lead their normal lives because their weaknesses are stronger than their limits, but the apostle said: when I think I am weak, it is because I am stronger because God glorifies himself in my weaknesses.


Do not allow your weaknesses to unbalance you emotionally because we can have self-control in our weaknesses and work on them to achieve all our goals and fulfill all our dreams.

Absolutely all of us have weaknesses to face and therefore we will not stop doing what we really want to be. We must face our weaknesses and learn from them to strengthen ourselves

God allows weaknesses in humanity so that we are humble and recognize that we need God in good times or bad because there is no one so strong that they do not need God

The word of God teaches us that he makes us weak to teach us how fragile we are and the need we have of him because his word affirms the following:

"I give weakness to men so that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men who humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then I will make weak things strong for them"

God made everything perfect in his sovereignty and we are his creation therefore we need his direction because we are his children and he is our father. All of us who recognize this great truth are blessed since many people are currently trapped in pride and arrogance and do not recognize God as their father.

Currently our weaknesses have caused strong storms in our emotions, since there are several people who have been frustrated and have aborted their goals or dreams because they have made the weaknesses they present stronger than their own objectives and these have caused serious problems in their mental health. impairing an effective lifestyle

However, God has promised to strengthen us and give us strength when we believe that we cannot because of our weaknesses, he knows our condition and has promised to give us strength when we have none.
So it is God who makes us strong in our weaknesses so that we can live a full and balanced life.

weaknesses are part of our life, therefore we must not allow them to control our emotions


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