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revjohno3.9023 days agoHive.Blog10 min read


People want to accomplish great things — they want to be involved in something worthwhile. This is especially true of teens. Some teachers may question students’ desire for ministry involvement. But when it comes to participation at church, inspiration and instruction usually precede involvement.

As a leader, a good part of your responsibility is helping students discover and develop their potential and find a place to apply their unique abilities. Don’t assume that your students understand the need and opportunities for involvement. You must be very deliberate in preparing them for and placing them in active roles. Sometimes leaders wait so long to call students off the bench and onto the field. When they eventually do, most of those students have already joined the spectators in the stands. And some have even left the “stadium” — and no longer available.

Church was never meant to be a spectator game; everyone has a vital role to play. Your class time shouldn’t just involve ministry to teens, but ministry with teens and by teens. Hence, our ministry Handbook, The Fundamentals (pg117) advocates Peer Mentorship Class. As students get involved, they’ll gain greater interest and retain more insight.

This week’s discussion will help us inspire students to this end, and it will challenge them to make your class a place they can truly call their own.

For further studies, see the teaching, Bringing Intentionality into Our Ministry Culture, or
Here [or](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yewwy OPgQxEVU&t=98s)

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Matt 20:26-28; 28:19-20; Mark 10:45; Rom 12:3-8; 1 Cor 12:4-6,12-27; Eph 2:10; 4:11-12; Col 3:23-24; 2 Tim 1:8-9; 1 Peter 2:9-10
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Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace In its various forms (1 Peter 4:9-10 NIV).
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Explain to students…

The Church has a place for everyone to use his or her talents and abilities to honour God.

God has uniquely gifted every individual for His purposes, and no one’s part is more important than another’s.

Discover, develop, and apply your unique abilities and talents in service to God and others.

>>Activity Option:
Have students think of an activity they like to watch or do. Then have each of them or a few volunteers mention the name of a figure or celebrity from that activity or profession with whom they’d like to trade places for a while. Discuss the following questions:
• Why would you dream of trading places with these individuals? What appeals to you about their lives or accomplishments? [Guide: Ask specific students to describe their choices.]
• What do you think it took for these individuals to achieve what they‘ve achieved?

Explain that whether or not we achieve public notoriety or fame, all of us have talents and abilities. While some people we admire may have started with a great deal of raw talent, most of them had to apply themselves and be committed to their tasks. At the very least, they had to do something with their abilities. They had to get involved. We will never know the extent of our individual abilities unless we get involved.

>>Study Overview:
Explain that today’s study considers…
• How everyone can use his or her abilities at church.
• How our contributions are vital but no more vital than any other’s.
• How to discover and use your gifts to serve God and others.

>> Inform and Discuss


  1. Whose job do we do often in the church? Why?
    [Guide: Whether they attribute most of the responsibility to the pastor or paid staff or recognize the need for all members to share the responsibility, encourage students to explain their answers and consider why many people do nothing.

>>Teacher Hint:
Many studies indicate that in most volunteer organizations, 20 percent of the people do 80 percent of the work. The remaining 80 percent of the people cover the rest of the load. This accurately describes most churches, too. However, in the church, about half of that 80 percent are interested in serving, but haven’t been asked or don’t know how or where to start. With a little direction, encouragement, and opportunity, many of your students may take up the challenge of more active participation In your church.

  1. Read or have a volunteer read Eph 4:11-12. What does this passage say about the nature and variety of role in church ministry? [Note: These ministers are to equip believers for service.]

  2. Are the adults the only ones to be equipped to build up the Church — v.127. Why is teens/youth participation vital to the life of a church?

Hint: Church work shouldn’t be relegated mainly to adults. There’s a vital place for teens/youth in the ministry of the church, and many positive effects can result. Teens often have the energy and vitality to accomplish much. Visible teen involvement builds excitement about the future. Teens bring a fresh perspective to ministry.

>>Teacher Hint:
Many teens feel there is no place for them or that their abilities get overlooked. An invitation from the senior pastor could send a strong message about the opportunity to contribute to the life of the congregation.

  1. Read or have a volunteer read Mark 10:45. What example did Jesus set for us to follow?
    Hint: Jesus came to sacrifice and to serve. Being truly Christian requires us to follow His example.

  2. Assign the following passages to individual students or small groups; and have them briefly investigate their passages to find what each tells us about personal ministry and Christian service: * Matthew 20:26-28 says, Ministry involves servant-hood. * Matthew 28:19-20 — We are to make disciples.

  • 1 Cor 12:27 says Everyone is needed in the Church.
  • Ephesians 2:10 says We are expected to do good works.
  • Ephesians 4:11-12 outlines the work of pastors, teachers, apostles, and other ministers in helping to prepare Christians for the work of the ministry.
  • Colossians 3:22-24 talks about, even work that is not related to ministry should be done as if the worker is employed by Jesus.
  • 2 Timothy 1:8-9 says, Be willing to tell others what God has done for you.
  • 1 Peter 2:910 says We are to praise God.

Explain that Christian ministry isn’t just for pastors and leaders. Their job is to prepare and equip us for the work. Instead of sitting back and watching them serve — and at times being critical – we need to follow their lead, learn from their example, and help them with the work of the Church in ways that match our abilities.

Read the key verse again,
1 Peter 4:9-10, and remind students of the need to keep a good attitude as each finds a way to use his or her abilities and allow others to use their —to serve and advance the kingdom of God.


  1. Read or have a volunteer read 1 Cor 12:4-6,12-13. What do these verses tell us? What are gifts? Why is it significant that there are many varieties?
    Each person has distinct talents and abilities made to fit a specific part of God’s purpose.

  2. Why is it important for all the “parts” to work together? What kinds of — purposes can we accomplish better together? Why?

Every part affects the others. The body can’t work properly if it’s incomplete or disjointed. Working together, Christians grow in faith more efficiently and reach others with God’s message more effectively. There are no “little people” or insignificant ministries in the body of Christ.

  1. Read or have a volunteer read 1 Cor 12:14-26. What do these verses tell us about our relationships and attitudes toward one another?

We need one another, and no one should consider his or her abilities to be more important than another’s.

  1. What do verses 22,23 mean when they say that the “weaker” parts are indispensable and the “less honourable” parts are treated with special honour?

No parts are insignificant. All are necessary for the Church to be effective — even if some of them seem insignificant to us.

  1. How do we show “equal concern” for one another? Why will a lack of concern cause division in the Church? How can we keep this from happening?

When we recognize the importance God places on every member, we will be respectful of all and concerned about what they do. This leads to unity because we're able to see how our roles fit together.

>>Involved Them:
Read or have a volunteer read Rom 12:3-8. What are some types of gifts — more or less apparent — not mentioned in this passage?

Encourage students to think creatively about ways they can use their abilities and interests to participate and serve in the Teens Department of the church at large.

These may include the following: Art, Audio/sound, Babysitting, Cooking, Computers, Construction, Design,- Drama, Entertainment, Evangelism, Follow-up, Greeting, Hospitality, Kid's church, Kid's club, Missions, Landscaping, Music, Nursery, Photography, Praise band, Prayer, Promotion, Setup team, Research, Small groups, Sports outreach, Teaching, Video, Visitation.

Explain that a person is becoming spiritually mature when he or she stops asking, “What's in it for me?” And start asking, “How can | help others?” The focus shifts from getting to giving.

Inspire Them:
Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study, even as you explain "WHAT'S the Big Idea* behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live (practice) the lesson captured in this study.


Conclude the session by praying as a class that students will follow upon their intentions to serve.

>>Teacher Hint: Ask Yourself...

  1. Do students understand that ministry in the Church is everybody's responsibility?

 2. Do they comprehend the importance of their roles in the Church?

  1. Do they have an idea of how an where they can get involved in your church's ministry and service?

Monday: Young and Inspired - Job 32:6-8.
Tuesday: Go for tha Substance - Psa 119:97-100
Wednesday: Source of Great Peace - Psa 119:64:165
Thursday: Learn and impact Others -Ezra7:6-10
Friday: Commissioned and Empowered - Acts 26:16-18
Saturday: Do the Right - 2 Cor 13:7-14



The original production and publication of this extracts belong to Sunday School Department of Assemblies of God Nigeria, as shown on the front page. We teach in the church and social media available.


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