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revjohno0.0822 days agoHive.Blog8 min read


Check out the news and it is obvious that people's disregard for those who are different from themselves pollutes our world. The differences
involve age, gender, status, race, politics, disabilities, geography, etc. These Sources of division have infiltrated churches as well. But differences don't have to divide your classroom.

While this week's study isn't designed to delve into the more blatant issues that divide people, it addresses some of the subtle ways people in groups can be inconsiderate. Such behaviour leads to the bigger misunderstandings and prejudices evident in the society. In the classroom, these actions can keep students from learning, achieving, expanding their relational horizons, and becoming all they can be as Christians.

It's easy to divide into cliques, reject others, or simply keep to ourselves, but don't let yourself or your fellow students settle for these tendencies. Your class should be a place where no individual is isolated or left out. This study will help students accept commonalities and differences and appreciate the unique value all people possess as part of God's creation. Seeing others as He does enables them to value the variety of gifts and personalities all possess. Rather than keeping them apart, these differences can draw teens together. And the unity they share will impact their relationships in and out of the classroom.
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Gen 1:24-27; 2:7; Matt 8:1-4; Luke 19:1-10; John 4:5-30, 39-40; 17:20-23; Heb 10:24-25; James 2:1-4
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Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. (Romans 15:7 NIV)
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 Explain to students...

Ethnic and economic differences shouldn't hinder people's relationships with Christ or one another.

Diversity can strengthen Christian unity, improve our characters, and validate the message of Christ to non-Christians.

Recognize the value God places on every person, and reach out to all people with God's love.

>>Teacher Hint:
How students treat people outside their circle of friends will affect how your class attracts and keeps newcomers, how they relate to other Christians, and how well they reach others for Christ. People who never learn to interact with those who are different often do more harm than good for God's kingdom. Students may rightfully argue that they can't be friends with everyone. However, use this study to show the ultimate significance of how we treat those we would rather not be around and those who are simply different from us.

>>Study Overview:
Explain that today's study considers...
• How our treatment of others should reflect God's value of people.
• How accepting God's plan for diversity will strengthen our relationships as Christians and help us minister to the world more effectively.
• How to reach out to people - both Christians and non-Christians-who
are different from us or outside our circles of friends.
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>>Inform and Discuss


  1. Read or have a volunteer read Gen 1:24-27; 2:7. What does it mean to be created in God's image?

Explain that human beings are unique in God's creation because we've been made in His image. This doesn't refer to physical traits, nor does it mean we are or can become divine. Rather, it means that people were created to reflect His characteristics. This makes us all equal in His eyes, and allows us to have a personal relationship with Him.

  1. How should this affect our view of and attitudes toward those who seem different? Why? [Hint: We should look at others from God's perspective -as valuable people made in His image.]

  2. What are some of the sources of differences that tend to divide people in society? Why do these things matter to some people?

  3. Read or have a volunteer read James 2:1-4. Do you think these differences matter to God? Explain. [Guide: Explain that God doesn't favour one group of people over another, regardless of finances, social standing, or physical traits. He considers each person's faith. That means we should treat fellow Christians with respect, no matter who they are and how they look.]

It's wrong for Christians to favour one group or individual over another. The Church is designed to accommodate diversity, having a common thread of faith and obedience toward Christ. Whether it's on the basis of money, status, or abilities, diversity must not divide us. While it's rather easier to avoid rather than befriend those who are socially awkward or obnoxious, God wants us to treat them with respect and compassion.
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1 How should value be defined from a Christian perspective? [Note: Often, esteem or value is based on achievement, strength, or desirability according to worldly standards. But the Bible says that God created people with inherent value and paid the highest price for us by sending His Son to die on the cross.]

  1. Read or have a volunteer read Heb 10:24-25. What does this passage say about the importance of church fellowship? What should happen when Christians gather? [Hint: Serving God is a group activity; no one should be excluded. Encouraging one another provides strength for tough times and helps us demonstrate God's love more effectively. Serving Him without help is struggle.]

  2. Read or have a volunteer read John 17:20-23; Rom 15:7. What does it mean for Christians to have unity and how can unity bring praise to- God? [Hint: Unity is being undivided as we share Christ's message with the lost. Unity recognizes and respects differences.)

Jesus' prayer for unity doesn't require uniformity. We maintain our uniqueness and diversity as we fill our roles in God's kingdom and fulfil His purpose in various ways.

  1. What are some benefits of unity? [Hint: Unity allows us to exercise our gifts and abilities to help one another and serve God effectively. It also helps the world see that our faith in Christ is genuine and powerful enough to hold us together as a group.]

Explain that unity is crucial to our testimony. Prejudice and
division cause people to reject the salvation message and the love of Christ.
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Explain that labels often highlight differences. But Christians have a common thread that brings us together - having a relationship with Jesus Christ. All people need that relationship of faith. Our responses to people with whom we differ or wouldn't otherwise associate can make a difference whether or not they accept this relationship.

The class should be divided into three groups. Assign each group one of the following passages, and have them discuss the types of "undesirable" people whom others might avoid or reject today and how they are similar to the examples given in these passages:

  1. Matt 8:1-4: Leprous man-unclean, hopeless, socially outcast.

  2. Luke 19:1-10: Zacchaeus - unpopular, unethical, obnoxious, undeserving.

  3. John 4:5-30,39-40: Samaritan woman- different culture, bad reputation, social outcast.

Explain that, with each of these persons, Jesus clearly demonstrated how reaching out to people who would have been shunned or rejected otherwise can result in drastically changed lives.
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Remind students about THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study, even as you explain WHAT'S the Big ldea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.
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Display a crisp N1,000.00 ($1) note and ask if anyone wants it. Wave it up, step on it, etc. Then ask again if anyone still wants it. (Someone will for sure). Explain that the value of that N1,000.00 ($1) note is not based on its appearance or condition. Neither is a person's value based on those things.

Challenge them to examine their hearts and determine what standard they use to decide a person's value. Are they letting themselves be influenced by the world's standard of value, such as popularity, appearance, and status? Do they ignore people who are new or different? Are they alienating or excluding someone in this class? Pray with students, asking God to help them show His love and acceptance to everyone they meet.
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Encourage teens to do something this week to spark a friendship with a person they don't normally "hang out" with. It may be someone they purposely avoid or shun, or it may be someone who simply has a different group of friends.
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Conclude by encouraging students to greet at least two class members they don't know as well as the rest.
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Ask Yourself..

  1. Do students recognize that all people are equally valuable because God created them?
  2. Do they realize the importance of Christian unity in effectively serving Christ?
  3. Are they convinced that they can drastically affect lives for good or bad, depending on how they treat others?


The original production and publication of this extracts belong to Sunday School Department of Assemblies of God Nigeria, as shown on the front page. We teach in the church and social media available.



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