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Whats happening to Gamestop - GME?


resiliencia2.7 Klast month2 min read


Memestocks are back! With the return of the GME shorter Roaring Kitty to twitter, GME stock pumped hard!
https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty this is their account, if you live under a rock and don't know the story, make a quick Google search and find what happened to the shorts of GME stock during the end of 2020 and January 2021.


Here you have a video form Youtube before all the craziness started:

The hype is back? Where it will all end.
It all started at reddit, the account "DeepFuckingValue" started posting that he was buying GME stock for various reasons, but the main one was that there were investment funds manipulating the price to the downside.
He spotted that early on and a bunch of retail money, also known as dumb money, joined him into a crazy spiral to make those funds lose billions of dollars.

Here is the reddit user:https://www.reddit.com/user/DeepFuckingValue/
You can check all their posts there, but I also found a chart with the evolution of his portfolio.
Look at the gains, at some point he had more than 45,000,000$.


I would LOVE the story to repeat again.
Welcome home Keith! we know you never left!

I love the stock too!

Have a great day.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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