Looking for Vaudin, the Magister.
They found Hugo getting the Macula back so her mother asked her to go out with Lucas and find Magister Vaudin somewhere in the town. They found Hugo getting the Macula back so her mother asked her to go out with Lucas and find Magister Vaudin somewhere in the town.
Both Amicia and Lucas started looking for Vaudin, the Magister as they needed him to cure Hugo. On their way, Amicia was blaming the farmers for this to happen to Hugo but Lucas said it can be wrong and added that the Macula keeps evolving with pushing the Carrier through different thresholds.
We didn't really know where to find Vaudin and there's no map for the game so it seemed harder but we got information from the town guards. First a guard suggested us to look at the marketplace and another guard from there suggested us to look for the florist.
I already met the florist before when I was walking with Hugo after getting to this town so it was not so hard finding her but she sent us to her husband saying its her husband who may know about Vaudin.
We found the husband of the florist cleaning a part of the market area and he was little bored when we went to him but he told us we could find Vaudin close to the arena but there were some guards who didn't let us through the arena.
Lucas suggested we'd find an alternative way ignoring the guards and they found this dead body after getting to somewhere and it looked like the dead body had rat bite on his face. I guess the plague started spreading to this place as well.
We went ahead and we found a lot more dead bodies ahead. The arena was locked down as the dead bodies were being dumped inside and Lucas was mentioning that the plague stared spreading here as they brought Hugo here.
We had to get support of a cart to get up to a high place and then we were going through the hole there and found a guard was torturing a weak civilian there. We didn't engage as the guard had helmet on. We just escaped the place sneakily.
We got out of the room into the open and we noticed some mercenaries were looking for loots. They looked like the Inquisition guards but they're not but we still had to be undetected to them as they'd kill us if they find us.
There we were looking for a way to move forward but I didn't find a way yet but a guard noticed us so tried to fight them but I can't kill the guards with helmets on and there were more than one so they got me.
There was one without a helmet so I thought of taking him down first thinking the others won't notice so I went for him and I took him down.
But it looked like the others noticed and were coming for us. One of them got to us first when the other one was a little far. I hit the guard and went to the other side of the door and just understood that we can get away from the guards in this game even after they notice us.
We had to follow the Order's symbols which we had in mind and suddenly we fell in this place that was filled with dead bodies. Lucas was saying he'd get sick but Amicia asked him to be strong and keep moving with her.
We noticed this cage hanged with some dead bodies in it and I had to bring it down using my sling and I didn't know how it got wheels after getting down. We pushed it to get to a high platform.
There I found this knife that probably a guard left behind. Amicia kept it as she can use it to assault a guard for a knife and then they started crawling under there to get past.
There was this iron door that Lucas helped Amicia to open and they found sunlight again and they're against some harder challenges now.
That's all for now. I'll write about more of this story again soon. Be safe till we meet again.
Au revoir/Goodbye.
All the screenshots are my take from my play using the in-game photo mode and I tried canva to edit the thumbnail. The frames and the logo of the game were collected from online.