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(closed) Satoshi Pick 4 Lotto Prize Payout 20 Hive +1060 Satoshi Tokens 11/17/20 (2 Pick Special)


ralph-rennoldson394.084 years agoHive.Blog3 min read

Hello Everyone i never imagined we would still be going on this game, the nice thing without a winner we are building up the prize pool. But (lol) in interest of speeding up the game a little bit you now will be picking 2 sets of numbers instead of one. And i will also be using the daytime and nighttime drawings to give more chance for a winner!

All picks made today will not count till the following day and be put on the carryover list after the evening draw. The numbers on the carryover list will only count for todays drawings! The coin flip will go off of the evening numbers only. The winners of the coin flip will receive 25 satoshi tokens and each day we go with no winner 200 Satoshi tokens will be added to the prize payout. The only bonus rewards set on this game is now the extra 4 percent sent by @reward.app at the end of the 7 days. I think i covered everything and hope you enjoy having your extra pick.

The Rules of the game are simple!!!

  1. Upvote this post
  2. Comment below heads or tails

If the first number of the lotto number drawn is even the coin flip will be heads if its odd number it will be tails (on evening draw)

The game is opened to everyone but you must have an upvote value of .001
What do i win?

Satoshi Tokens

If you would like to play the Satoshi Pick 4 Lotto Rules are below......

Lotto winning numbers are drawn once a day!

Lotto is Currently at 20 Hive +1060 Satoshi Tokens

Rules for Satoshi Pick 4 Lotto

  1. Along with your choice of heads or tails post two sets of numbers from 0 - 9999

  2. If you have the winning number you win the Lotto (Paid out after 3 days)

  3. If no winner from the carryover list your two new numbers picks will be added to the carry over list for the next game!

  4. How will the winner be determined.

I will be using the daytime and evening pick 4 numbers drawn from a third party and can be trusted.
(If there is a winner on the daytime numbers and the evening numbers the prize will be split)



As you can see the 4 numbers drawn were 7945 or 5867 so if someone picked those numbers they are the Winner!

If the post is not closed by me by 10 pm Eastern Standard Time it will automatically closed and no new numbers will be excepted after that time.

Lotto Numbers carried over listed on this post below



If you win your Satoshi tokens will be transferred to you on the Hive Blockchain.

If you would like to sell or buy more tokens you can do that at the link below!


The only way to earn your Satoshi tokens is by giving as rewards for these games or buying on the exchange.

I hope you are enjoying these games and i appreciate you and your participation.


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