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My Actifit Report Card: April 6 2024

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rabihfarhat466.652 months agoActifit4 min read


We often hear that employees are not responsible or careless and do not take work seriously. These reckless people are always the hardest to get rid of.

I thought a lot about the topic to understand how someone learns recklessness.

Does the recklessness come from the employee himself or does it come from the system?


Recklessness, like discipline, is a cultural issue. That is why a person is not born reckless nor is he born disciplined. Rather, he learns all of this through education and the environment surrounding him.

But let us know that the origin of human beings is recklessness, then values, laws, and education come to refine humans and teach them discipline.

Therefore, we can say that the issue is the result of public or private culture, but it does not exempt the person from responsibility. Few work with discipline even when chaos is everywhere around them because these are the leaders, and not all of us are born to be leaders.

So what is new in this talk? What is its importance?!

The importance of these words is that the system of the company, school, university, and home in which we live is what creates a generation of reckless employees, and it is not easy to change reality without changing the system.

We are accustomed to blaming universities and schools for everything, and they bear the consequences of this situation, because the goal of education is to instill values and teach people the correct way of thinking, and this is the core of the educational system. But I will not exempt companies from major responsibility or the work system.

When a person works in a company or non-profit entity or there is no accounting for its costs and income, the employee loses motivation and it is difficult to hold the person accountable to determine his success from his failure.

This is a major disaster, because in environments where profitability does not matter to anyone, the only way to evaluate work and employees’ performance is through their relationships with managers, and here everyone begins to be reckless at work because performance and evaluation are linked to the relationship, not to the quality of the work.

Even promotions in these environments are based on relationships. To give you an example, there is an employee who is being promoted to the position of Vice President, even though this person did not provide anything that would allow him to obtain any promotion.

I am almost certain that promotion is the result of seniority because it is customary to promote people with titles even when there are no achievements that require promotion, and if seniority is not the reason, then the reason must be the CEO’s satisfaction with the employee.

There is also a person who was previously promoted to an administrative position and he is not familiar with management, and in fact, he does not even like it, but rather likes to work with his own hands alone. I asked him: If you were not satisfied with being a manager, why did you accept the promotion? He said to me: “In our field and our company, there is no way to increase my salary except through a managerial position, and I need this salary.”

When a young employee sees this system in front of him, he will be reckless at work, because he can procrastinate and can work very slowly, why rush, because there is no profit benefit for the place.

What is shocking is that many companies are companies in name, but they are far from being real companies. They do not mind seeing the company sink, because the senior management has ties to them by ties of interest, not of profit.

And what about government agencies that are originally non-profit?


In the end, any entity that does not have a measurement of performance, especially profitability, cannot be expected to have its employees disciplined, unless the motives are personal, such as the presence of a CEO or a government official who leads and instills in everyone a culture of discipline, and these are the ones who are fought the most, unfortunately.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io




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