Finally, top 300 in Dcity.
Few days ago ,Dcity started Hive rewards for top 300 Dcity from earlier criteria of top 200 Dcity. When I noticed it I thought ok, a little push and I will be in top 300 .(I think I was 319 at that time.) Look like my little pushes did not helped me because I slipped to 328 instead of moving up.
I remembered that population of city that was ranking 300th was around 150 and I thought in few day I will reach to 150. Even before I can come close to 150 , I found that it is already 180+ requirement. Currently it crossed 200+ and it really start looking impossible for me.

I login to my Dcity as usual and just looked into market, To my surprise , someone has listed very cheap immigrants in SIM. I immediately converted my swap.hive into SIM and start buying cheap immigrants. Soon I found it that I am not alone to spot them as someone else is also buying them and I got short of my target.
Being so near to be in top 300 and still going to miss it caused me to buy homeless (though they are not cheap but I think fairly priced.) with all my remaining SIM.
I checked my population and it look like that I have made it to top 300 but any last minute surprises cannot be ruled out.
so when the ranking released today I rushed to check my ranking and I found that

just made it to top 300 at 299th rank.
I do not know how long I will stay there, with everyone pushing I might be out but I am happy today and will keep try to break in the ranks.
Posted Using LeoFinance
