Have you ever seen MoFos as stubborn and as mental retarded than these?
Because the truth is that you have to be exceptionally stupid, idiotic, imbecile and irreversibly mentally retarded to not have yet realized the immense power of a voodoo bokor and puffer fish breeder who already sent these MoFos directly to alcajé when they were in Malaga, Spain recently and when their despicable ti bon ange were silently stolen from their repulsive gros bon ange converting them in instant Nzambis at the service of my Luas after having been inoculated with a good dose of my infallible coup de poudre through an accurate shot with a powerful poisoned dart from my laser-sighted blowgun. Poor brainless ignorants these soulless MoFos who have not even the most remote idea of what awaits them very soon.
An omnipotent venomous powder with a simple mixture made from a variety of ingredients including several species of puffer fish (Diodon hystrix, Diodon holacanthus and Sphoeroides testudineus), a marine toad (Bufo marinus), a trio of hyla tree frogs (Osteopilus dominicensis),, (Aparasphenodon brunoi) and a (Phyllobates terribilis) jointly with some human remains has been enough to impregnate all the darts to shoot from my blowgun and send all these MoFos to alcajé straight away.
«In the order mentioned»
Yeah, very soon and little by little they will begin to feel stiffness in all the joints of their body in a constant and progressive way in which they will often see how their feet, legs, knees, arms, hands and fingers become numb until they become completely paralyzed frequently. This is due to the hypertrophic arthritis and degenerative joint disease induced by the toxic potion that was inoculated to them through the worked darts.
These forceful, obnoxious and notorious effects will advance inexorably to the point of preventing them from getting out of bed, walking or sitting in front of a screen to read, write, like or vote at all any shit for many days. And in the measure that this inability will go eating them from the inside until it reaches their non-existent brain. That will be the culminating moment that will lead them to decide to disappear from this plane by their own hand in the face of such merciless and relentless suffering.
Because otherwise, if they do not decide to gracefully disappear of this plane by their own will. Then, they will leave me no choice but to invoke the presence of my omnipotent luas hovering over them and control them remotely from the distance to turn them right away into my servile Nzambis in a memorable event that will condemn them eternally to live a nightmare of pain and suffering for eons on alcajé. You already heard me!
¡Last Warning!
On other hand, yeah, don't listen to me and keep fucking around MoFos. Since I am convinced that you all would make great colorful and decorative Tzantzas to decorate my hunting trophy room. The choice of pain and suffering is all yours. https://goonfleet.com/public/style_emoticons/default/gf-fuckoff.gif