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Let's start Polling: Decentralized Polling


peak.open1.1 K2 months agoPeakD5 min read


Polls now on HiveHub.dev

It's time to start polling!
https://hivehub.dev/polls and https://peakd.com/ both supporting with more sites online soon

We previously announced the Initial version of Open Polls Protocol which aims to give the Hive community a way to vote (do a poll) on Hive that every single UI can easily integrate with, has an advanced analytics features, multiple voting qualifications, and filters. We're excited to announce that the Polls feature is now available through the HiveHub interface!

Many interfaces will be adding support for polls however at a minimum you can vote using https://hivehub.dev/polls PeakD.com has also finished their integration for seeing the results and for voting however to create a poll we still suggest hivehub.dev/polls


  • 30 day polling limit on our interface to start with (Can be changed later)
  • There is an ability to filter by account age
  • Right now the only voting interpretation is Votes by Accounts.
  • Next feature will be staked HIVE voting
  • There will be other voting interpretation
  • We also hope to have other voting styles ... right now it's ONE VOTE multiple choice.
  • PeakD.com is ready to release ability to VOTE and to see RESULTS
  • Ecency is also working with the @peak.open team to release something soon as well
  • Open Polls uses the HAF technology developed by the @blocktrades team


How does it work?

Creating a Poll

Creating a poll is EASY.

  1. Simply navigate to the Polls feature under Tools on HiveHub,
  2. then click on the Create a New Poll button.
  3. After that, the Create a New Poll window will pop-up, then you simply have to fill out the input fields with the corresponding information.
    It's that simple!

You will also be given an option to Customize Hive post content. From here, you have a couple of options to choose from to customize the poll to your own liking such as Thumbnail URL, Community, and Tags.


Viewing other Polls

Navigating through the Polls interface is quite straightforward. You can see all the polls created by the Hive community once you go to the Polls UI on HiveHub.


From there, you will also have an option to sort the list by clicking on the column headers (e.g. by Creation Date, End Date, Total Votes).


If you want to see the polls based on specific criteria such as Post Title, Poll Question, Post Author, and Author, you can use the Filter functionality as shown in the example below.


This should help you easily see polls that are more relevant to you, especially when there are already a lot of polls created by the Hive community!

Want to see more details about a specific poll? Of course you can!

If you want to see more details about a specific poll, you simply have to click on the Question for that poll, and then a new window will load containing more information such as the current votes, tags, and additional information.

The example below is for a test poll about phone brands used. As you can see, an analytics of the voting and results is shown upon clicking of the poll question, as well as the tags and additional information.


Time to start voting!

Whether it is to create a poll for your own community or for the entire Hive community, the choice is up to you! (Or you can also make a poll to make that choice 😉). This is the time to have fun with this new tool for improved engagement, decision making, getting feedback that the Peak Open Projects team has created for the Hive community.

Head over to Polls on HiveHub and start creating your first poll today! Don't forget to share your thoughts, ideas, and, of course, your votes with the rest of the community. We are looking forward to see the creative polls you come up with.

Got questions or feedback about the new polls feature? Drop them in the comments below or reach out to us directly. Your input is invaluable as we continue to improve and enhance the experience of the Hive community.


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