
One weekend at a time


patsitivity6.5 Klast year2 min read


My boyfriend is going to New Zealand for a couple of days; he's leaving the country today. He'll be back right on time for Valentine's so I'm not sad at all, at least not yet. LOL! 😂 My love language is physical touch so being physically apart from my loved ones is hard for me. But before my heart misses my man, here's a little throwback of one of the most life-changing weekend we had last year.

As I've shared a couple of weeks back, one weekend we had to sit side-by-side and reassess how we want to move forward with our relationship. This particular weekend helped us become the couple we are now: closer and happier.

That weekend wasn't all about tensions; we had a fair share or relaxation, fun and food, tasty and healthy food to be more exact. We rented a place for two days (Saturday and Sunday). Before heading there, we dropped by Ayala to have lunch and of course, buy supplies for dinner and brunch for Sunday. We planned ahead our meals; we decided we'd have salad and pasta for dinner and homemade Tapa silog for brunch. It was the time when I was so proud of my Tapa recipe and was too excited to cook it for my boyfriend. He loved it! ❤️ I love working in the kitchen for him. And I also love seeing him prep some of the things for our meal such as the dressing and pasta. And before I forget, I also prepared healthy juice loaded with citrus fruits. It was sooooo good! 😋
Saturday late afternoon before the pool got too cold, we went for a quick dip. Returned to eat our dinner and watched vlogs from my favorite Sky Fam! I've been wanting to do this with my boyfriend. Cozy in the sofa while listening to Sky Fam vlogs! Very entertaining!

As we ate a lot from dinner, we decided to hit the gym Sunday morning. It was quick but enough to let all the sweat out.
It might have been the quickest weekend we've spent together but definitely one for the books! Grateful we took the time to bon, talk and just fall in love with each other all over again. 🥰

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