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The beauty of a Rock pigeon on a balmy day.


papilloncharity42 K17 days agoPeakD3 min read

Yeah, it was late afternoon, and I had to struggle with the light.

But thankfully things did not turn out bad at all.

Let me introduce you to what they now call a Speckled pigeon. Our name for them is the African Rock pigeon.

The speckled pigeon (Columba guinea), also African rock pigeon or Guinea pigeon, is a pigeon that is a resident breeding bird in much of Africa south of the Sahara. It is a common and widespread species in open habitats over much of its range, although there are sizable gaps in its distribution. It is sometimes referred to as the Guinea pigeon due to its similar coloring to some species of guineafowl.

This is a large pigeon at 41 cm in length. Its back and wings are rufous, the latter heavily speckled with white spots. The rest of the upperparts and underparts are blue-grey, and the head is grey with red patches around the eye. The neck is brownish, streaked with white, and the legs are red. Sexes are similar, but immatures are browner than adults and lack the red eye patches. The call is a loud doo-doo-doo.


A serene photo below, as she was very relaxed during her preening stint.

But then she saw something very unsettling.

Hurriedly she moved aside, as a randy male arrived.

Now these guys don't have good manners, as they don't greet and meet, no, they rather come crashing into the house.

See what I mean? So the lady decided to take off from the would be stud.

And disgusted she flew away.

Then later on, I saw these coming over and try as I might, I cannot say for sure what specie of birds they were. They are big and I think that they are called Spur-winged geese (Plectropterus gambensis).

The flew at speed and I only got the two shots, before they were gone.

Ladies of hive, I wonder how many of you had an experience like this, if ever. An aggressive male that thinks he is the greatest thing since sliced bread, on your case. Be assured that it is just nature repeating itself in human form. They say that it is in the male genes, but I think that it is just a bad upbringing or bad influences that cultivates manners like that.

I mean, for instance, when last were you called a lady? The word lady seems to have fallen on the wayside, and respect followed it closely. Nowadays it's a give and rather take world that we live in, but it is going to get much worse, as the younger generation is walking around with their phone screens glued to their faces. So, all things will become new and I, for one, don't know what the future will turn out to be.
Such is life.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All-Rights-Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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