A lone advancing cloud speared the sky...
...but the spear cloud was later joined by an army.
It reminded me of a war maneuver, where a spy gets sent out to survey the battlefield. Of course, the spy cloud would send messages up to the advancing army, and I will show you the messengers later in the post. I was reminded about a story that I read many years ago about military maneuvers, and one part that I remember was at a second world war scene in the desert. Some general invented a "pincher" attack after listening to his spies, and it won him the battle.
First, let's take a closer look at the spear cloud.
The sky color turned darker when I zoomed the cloud.
This below was sort of, the middle section of the cloud.
And there were the feathered messengers that the spy cloud sent up to the advancing army.
I tried to get the bird messengers closer on the zoom, but this below has to suffice.
Finally, the army invaded the territory, and it joined up with the spear cloud.
Until they eventually joined up with the spear cloud.
So, what's the message to me in this sky show? Simple, one has to test everything before one jumps into it. Now this is not about war, but rather normal life. The shop owners know that people are forever searching for bargains, and it is this emotion that they focus upon. So, for an example, say that one wants a cheap apple. First, they will increase the price of the apple by 30%, and then they will advertise the apple as a bargain with a 20% discount.
I know that I am going off the track here a bit, but we simply have to be aware that there are many traps in life, and before you buy, rather try, as it will save you many tears afterwards. Be like that lone spear cloud, and search for messages on anything that you are thinking of doing, or buying, as then, you will be properly armed with knowledge. Willy nilly actions always end with regrets.
Such is life.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the story.
Photos by Zac Smith. All-Rights-Reserved.
Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.
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