Orjant Der 42.02
Vote value: 0.00
Alter your perception and mind with general and nature photos 👁
Pentas Sunda
Vote value: 0.00
Active: 2 hours ago
Alter your perception and mind with general and nature photos 👁
Pentas Sunda
Joined: Jun 3, 2019
#Expertise: 42.02
Active: 2 hours ago
Vote value: 0.00
WAIV token
Upvoting mana: 99.6%
Downvoting mana: 100%
WAIV vote: 0.00
HIVE token
Upvoting mana: 97.65%
Downvoting mana: 100%
Resource credits: 76.27%
HIVE vote: 0.00
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