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To Know How Much There Is To Know Is The Beginning Of Learning To Live


oredebby2 K2 years agoHive.Blog2 min read

Good day beautiful people. Hope you all are doing amazing today. Happy weekend to everyone.


There's a saying that "The day you stop to learn is the day you start to die" and I can't agree less. Every second, every minute, every hour and every day, we all have to be learning one thing or the other.

We can learn from the young, we can learn from the old, we can learn from the rich and we can also learn from the poor. No matter how much you think a particular person is lower or higher to you in rank, age or status, you can still learn from such people.

To know and realise that there is so much to learn and know is the beginning of learning to live. You sure live daily by learning various things from various sets of people. You won't even be able to imagine how much you can learn especially from younger ones who you think you know better than them.

Learning can come from different aspects of life. It could be spiritual, physical, academical, financial, marital, political, economical and so on. Learning is broad. It could even be in your work place or business place. Learning never ends.

Keep learning... Keep living. Have a great day.

I remain @Oredebby


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