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Worry-free Wednesday Walk at 700th Anniversary Stadium


nomnomnoodle4.1 K7 months agoPeakD4 min read

Greeting Wednesday Walkers! My name is NomNomNoodle, a first timer here for the #WednesdayWalk challenge. I've been seeing people walking places and I find it so nice to have a place that you can just enjoy a simple thing along the way.

Today, I'm going to tell you about the time I went to take an evening stroll with my mom in the 700th Anniversary Stadium, located in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

We, Chiang Mai people, call it 700 years (stadium), but it is not actually aged 700 years. It was built to host the 1995 Southeast Asian Games and to celebrate the 700th anniversary of Chiang Mai's establishment at the same time. Now this stadium is a multi-purpose, mostly for commoners to use it as a park to walk, jog and work out.



The place has good length to walk around and it has enough room for people. I think all the distance would be around 2 Km. (The red line is the route we walked)


My parents love coming here since I was a kid and we tried making a habit of an exercising routine. And this is a great place to do so. Let me show you why. First reason is, that day I didn't have comfortable shoes to walk and I could just buy a cheap pair from there. Very convenient.



We started our walk a little late like 6 pm. So it was starting to get dark. This is what the start of the path looked like. Sorry for the blurry picture. It's the only one I got. We started outside of the stadium, which has a path like this all along the main road outside.

The yellow in the middle help the walkers to stay in track and for the ones who want to go faster have space to go pass them.

There were usually lots of people walking and jogging there and I think it's the best thing for exercising. You'll have company to not feel lonely.

This tree is our local tree, which we called it "Leelawadee" or in English Plumeria. It is an ornamental tree with scented flowers that is easy to grow. You will see it quite often here.


Then we were walking inside the stadium and the sun was setting. Very pretty golden sky, don't you think?


My mom and I enjoying the walk here.

On our left, there're tennis courts full of people. Good to see everybody is fit and healthy.
And here is the basketball court. I bet they got good work out since everybody is sweating so much!

As we walked around we saw the stadium's building in the sunset.


There'll always be an electric pole to keep the path bright and safe.


Then I saw this super cool vintage jeep! Awesome!


At the end of the walk, we were back at where we started at the parking lot. There were stands of shops and food stalls,(most of them) healthy ones.



  You can see the orange juice and the dumplings and steaks too. Too heavy meal? NEVER!



Before I ended this post, last thing I wanted to show you guys is my favorite drink: Avocado smoothies! I love it from this place so much <3<3



We brought our own cup too! So, one less plastic cup yay. And that's it for my #WednesdayWalk, guys. I hope you enjoy it and until next time..

Stay fit and keep walking!

Khob khun kaa,
Nomnomnoodle 🍜


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