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Chilled Mondays


nickyhavey4.3 Klast yearPeakD2 min read


Ugh, it's not a good sign when you're already burned out half way through a Monday at work, I'm trying to keep the posting habit going though.

Grinding through the first quarter of the year in the darker months is finally coming to an end with the brighter days in bound.

As my music starts to take different forms over this couple of months, it's time to have a look at the more chilled side!

The next new release is coming up in 11 days and it is nicely chilled (although I had some trouble narrowing down the exact genre when submitting to the Spotify editorial playlists - anything outside drum & bass and I struggle to classify haha)!

I first experimented with chillout a long time ago, 10 years in fact with a remix I did of Blindstate's track called "End of the World".

The original captivated me with the opening sample he used but I took things in a different direction and didn't opt for a DnB remix (shocking I know)!

Instead, it just felt right to do a chilled remix, slow down the beat and let nature take its course.

Seems like it turned out well as there are quite a few comments on the track (although the last one was 5 years ago - I put that down to Soundcloud being an unrecognisable shadow of its original self these days - that's a rant for another day).

Anyway, hope you had a nice chilled Monday (or at least for the 4 minutes this plays :))


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