
Brand New Chillout Music - Reborn - Out Now!


nickyhavey4.4 Klast yearPeakD2 min read

Nicky Havey - Reborn mockup.jpg

Yes yes you superstar playaaaaaazzzz! Here we go with another brand new release and the final single from the Exploration EP where we venture in to the unknown!

Life at a much slower BPM than my usual drum & bass style, today's track is called "Reborn" and is the pinnacle of my chilled out catalogue.

I first started it when I came back from a travelling adventure a few years ago where I did literally feel reborn, refreshed, a new man with the previous woes wiped away through nature that @gabrielatravels portrayed beautifully with the artwork she provided for the cover photo.

Nicky Havey - Reborn.png

After seeing that image, I now want to go back up in the mountains and just hike for days man! Maybe I should start planning some more travel adventures and hikes so there's more stories to tell, and more inspiration for music :)


This track starts out with a very gentle opening from a spooky sounding synth/pad that I found nestled away in my music software.

Making this into an actual tune though would be a challenge and it soon turned into a really spaced out track with the accompanying sounds I found and blended them together.

The drum beat with it's deep bass kicks were a novel thing for me - this was inspired by a chilled out track called Drifted by Groove Armada which I listened to a lot but there's not really that much resemblence now I've listened to it back again lol.

Anyway, it's time to chillout this Friday and hopefully you've enjoyed this journey through the slower sounds :)


(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/3hK4DgRpqccX5Ydn2WrA4D?utm_source=generator)


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